78. He is finally in the picture

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I felt a few nudges on my arm as I had dozed off with my head on someone's shoulder. As this person was playing with my hair, it could only be George. He obviously attended this flight as well, since we were literally going to the same place spending the next weeks together. While my best friend was at home crying because if Tanya didn't want to face any consequences, she'd break up with him soon.

A few rays of light shone right into my tired eyes, someone forgot to close the little curtain in front of the window of the aeroplane -holy shit where the fuck am I. An aeroplane, obviously. It honestly shook me awake. I was completely aware I got on this plane a few hours ago and exchanged seats with a polite stranger who found out last minute she had a fear of heights and looking out the window made it much much worse. So George and I could sit next to each other and I swapped seats with that nice lady. I was aware that all of that happened until I woke up, assuming I was in my own house and not somewhere in the air.

"We are about to land, Dais," George whispered, looking into my eyes. He had a small smile set on his face. I saw a little blurry, as I usually did when I just woke up, so I probably looked stupid, staring at George until he said another few words. "Try to wake up a little, you can sleep again later."

"I'll try," I muttered, using one hand to rub the sleep out of my eyes and the other one for finding my water bottle, one I filled just before boarding started. At the douane, no one questioned an empty bidon, so I didn't have to buy an awfully expensive drink. Not that I didn't have the money, I just didn't like the drinks and preferred some water. "Haven't you slept?"

"No, I haven't, I needed to keep an eye on our stuff," he said with a calm undertone in his voice, looking around. I had placed my backpack under my chair, standing in one of the handles so it didn't get away and I remembered George putting his smaller luggage above our seats. "And on you of course."

"If you're going to pay attention to me this entire vacation, I am very, very sorry," I sighed before flashing him a tight-lipped smile. "It might surprise you, but I'm not really a responsible person."

"We hadn't found that out just yet, thanks for telling me," George chuckled, rolling his eyes at me. "I promise not to keep an eye on you all the time, but I am going to make sure you won't live a Mamma Mia life and get pregnant. Lando will murder me if that happens, just trying to prevent that."

"Lando's opinions are no longer valid," I claimed, saying it a little too loud as a nosy person in the seat in front of us turned around and looked with raised eyebrows in our direction. I met their gaze for a solid five seconds before I creeped them out and they stuck their nose in someone else's businesses. "I am going to do what I want, whenever I want. He is not here, so what does he want to do about it? And please, I don't matter that much to him anyway, let's not pretend he even cares about me."

"I wouldn't agree with you on that one," George muttered, scratching his neck. "I'm sure you mean a lot to Lando. You've been best friends forever and he still speaks very highly of you. All he wants is the best for you, I'm sure."

"If you say so..." to be honest I didn't believe a single thing George had said. How it happened was a question for me too, but Lando and I weren't at the best stage of our platonic relationship at the moment. His aura annoyed me and I was more than happy to spend my time with George instead of Lando. I possibly could gain a new, true best friend out of this holiday.

We sat there for a little bit, George trying to broach another subject. I always found it easy to talk about things with George, regardless of what they were. In fact, I considered him to be a pretty intriguing person and whatever he said made sense most of the time. He for sure was the smartest out of the friend group and I enjoyed discussing conspiracies with him and many other things. It all went smoothly until we landed and we constantly got interrupted whilst talking. People recognised us and we had to take a few photos before being able to make progress.

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