35. Cupid fucked something up and it's not me

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In less than a week, Lando, Sabrina and I would get the keys to our new house. My room and the garage were both filled with decorations and paints, barely any place to walk. I needed to parkour to my bed each time I felt like sleeping, which caused some silly accidents and lots of falling on the floor. I made a path from my desk to my bed, which were the most important things in my room. No one could even reach my closet. Before my addiction to buying home decor started, I moved my favourite clothes from the closet to the left side of the bed so I could use more of the floor. 

Lando decided to check in on me in the final days we lived separately from each other, which I didn't really understand as we'd be together 24/7 from next Tuesday on. "What are you doing with my side of the bed?" He chuckled. I flinched, I knew he walked around in my house, but I had no idea where. I looked over my shoulder to see him leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm using it as extra storage," I mumbled as I sat upon my bed, mixing and matching my candles with the unnecessary amount of little jars and vases. "What do you think; red, orange or this blueish in combination with white?"

"Orange obviously," he chuckled. I scrunched up my face and sighed, comparing the red candle to an orange one that smelled like, how could it be any different, oranges. "Have you bought stuff for my room yet?" Lando asked. I shook my head. "Good, because I thought it'd be fun to do that together? It's been a while since we did something, the two of us."

"Well, maybe cause every time we did something it ended up with sex," I sighed, continuing with the home decor.

"Yeah I don't see what's the problem," he teased. I rolled my eyes and pointed at a picture of Charles and I that stood on my nightstand. "It's hard getting used to you having a boyfriend when he's not by your side 24/7," I furrowed my brows and looked at him. "Don't get me wrong sunshine, but with your first serious relationship you and that loser couldn't be separated!"

"That relationship was the definition of toxic," I stated. "And yes, of course, I feel bad I don't see Charles so often, but we still call. Last night we were on FaceTime the entire night, this morning I woke up and he was still there! Sleeping, but still there!" Lando forced a chuckle, clearing his way through all the bags. He plopped onto my bed as well, making it hard to keep my balance as the mattress sunk a little, causing my jars and candles to roll in his direction. "You were looking for something serious, right?" He nodded. "Still looking?"

"It's complicated," he sighed, playing with one of the knitted blankets I bought. "I had my eyes on someone and for a second I thought we'd work out, but-" I clapped his hands, causing me to flinch. -"dreams ruined." I pouted my lip, my best friend deserved happiness.

"Maybe you and George should go a night out together?" I suggested, taking the blanket out of his hands in case he'd ruin it. Lando furrowed his brows. "You're acting strange around each other, you can bond a little and possibly meet someone special."

"Well, George and I kinda have the same taste, that's gonna be hard," he chuckled. "But if it means that much to you?" I nodded, if this was the way I'd get my friend group close again, then so be it. "I'll apologise, but will you listen to my side of the story?"

"Sure," I mumbled as I leaned against my pillow.

"It's about this girl-"

-"that same girl as George's?" I asked, interrupted his story right away. Lando nodded. "She's really getting on my nerves, I'm sorry, continue, please.

"So you know she has a boyfriend?" I nodded. "And the basic facts?" I nodded again. I knew everything except for her name or the way she looked. "Then you must know I love her?" My eyes widened, this girl couldn't be around for a long time, a few months at most. How could he say he loved her? Maybe I just got a little jealous. This new girl got all the attention from my guy friends who just kept talking about her all the time. I used to be their number one, I gasped when I realised how toxic I behaved. "You didn't? Oh well. I put her happiness first and that's why George and I are, uh-" he scratched behind his ear. -"tense, because he tries to make her fall in love with him."

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