63. Should've seen this one coming honestly

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I scrolled through my laptop, trying to find a nice hotel while Charles was still asleep in my bed. I slept on the couch all night because I knew myself pretty well, and honestly wouldn't be able to control myself. While I couldn't find a good place for Charles to stay, I watched the sunrise. I preferred long nights over early mornings all the time, though when Teddy felt the need to bark so loud that I woke up, it didn't matter anymore. I prepared myself a nice cup of tea as usual and made some breakfast. Maybe I would make something for the others as well, but I wasn't sure if I could be bothered to do so.

I took a glance at the clock, which said we lived around a quarter to five. Still too early to wake everyone up I guessed. Except for Teddy then, the dog slept whenever he wanted to, so he happily joined me with my morning routine. I spent some time with completing all the workouts Logan had mentioned over the mail and then decided to fool around in the kitchen. I probably wasted my exercise as I started to make the most unhealthy snacks in existence, but it reminded me of something that I used to do with my sister before she got sick.

We used to wake up early in the morning and go downstairs as quiet as we could. Then we grabbed biscuits, chocolate, whipped cream and sprinkles and we made a nice tower out of the food. It tasted less horrible than it looked like, but I preferred to judge on that when I gave the 'dessert' a second chance. A difference between back then and now was that I now had the entire kitchen to my disposal and I was old enough to use the stove. I melted the chocolate to maybe dip in some strawberries later and otherwise I'd just freeze it in to make a chocolate bar out of it.

I glanced out of the window and saw the elderly couple that lived next to us walking by. This meant waking up the rest of my household wouldn't be too bad as I no longer was the only person awake in the neighbourhood. I completely forgot about the time, too busy with making a mess here to keep an eye on the clock. I connected my phone with my Bluetooth speaker and started playing a song.

I held a spoon in my hand and used it as a microphone, just to sing along with my favourite songs. Teddy and I danced quite often together, mainly because the labradoodle acted crazy when I did and he liked to copy me. Usually, he jumped up against me and his actions had no further impact, but this dog had grown a lot in the past few months and it started to have a negative impact on my balance. I managed to hold onto the countertop so I didn't stumble over my own feet and fell. I forced a smile at the dog, who didn't calm down the slightest bit.

Even though Teddy's weight increased over the course of time, I was still able to lift him up and hug him. This way we could also dance, but without me falling on the floor. I didn't want to risk an injury right before one of my home races. The British Grand Prix was the closest to a home race since we didn't race in the Netherlands and with Silverstone being one of my favourite circuits, I didn't want to sit this one out.

"Hello hello I know it's been a while but baby, I got something that I really wanna let you know," I sang along, a little too loud for the liking of my housemates I assumed, because Lando's voice sounded through the baby monitors that we used to keep track of Teddy, not very happy with my early morning behaviour. "You're all I think about, baby!"

The song continued playing and I put my dog back on the floor again. I spun around and closed my eyes as I just enjoyed sounding like some ugly bird, no one could take a dump on my mood today. I started this day just fine. "I was so stupid for letting you go, but I, I, I know you're still the one!" I scrunched my face up in disgust, I already felt embarrassed for letting that shrilling high note slip out of my mouth, but it got much worse when I heard someone knocking on the doorframe.

My cheeks heated up as I spun around, I honestly expected the worst. "I've heard you sing before, no surprises here," Charles chuckled. "Sorry, am I bothering your concert? I don't want to make you uncomfortable in your own house." I raised my brows and I stammered out some words in the context of 'no'. Charles showed a tight-lipped smile and nodded. "I want to grab a snack."

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