4. Hi, our not-so-old friend sadness is back!

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"Daisy!" Someone yelled, the Italian Grand-Prix just ended, both Formula 2 and 1 and the paddock slowly started to pick up their stuff. I strolled around, trying to see if I saw any of my friends or I could help someone with their stuff, I'd rather go home obviously, but I had a gut feeling I should stay a little longer. I turned around, but figuring out who possibly called out my name out of all these people was a waste of time. I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey," the same person said, gasping for air. "I thought you'd already left."

"Well, I'm here?" I answered, furrowing my brows, "Sorry I can't quite place you, who are you again?" He wore a Sauber T-shirt, which normally brought up many clues, but my race win was quite overwhelming, seeing all the Tifosi cheering, probably not for me, but it was the closest Ferrari got to a win in Italy for the past years with me being an academy driver.

"Are you kidding me?" He chuckled, "It's Charles, you're testing for my team sometimes?" I nodded as if it was perfectly clear now, I didn't pay much attention to the drivers when their helmets were off, mainly because I had better things to do then remember so many faces and names. It surprised me I actually knew the names of the mechanics at Prema, that's always been enough. "Where is your purse?"

"At home, I don't have a phone so carrying a purse around would be unnecessary-" I mumbled, taking a sip of water.

-"I meant your boyfriend." I rolled my eyes, why did so many people care about Lucas? Was he really around that often? "I genuinely thought you were glued together at some point."

"We broke up," I mumbled, causing him to gasp. "I needed more space and he couldn't offer me that. We were toxic anyway, it's for the better." He nodded. "Anything else?"

"Do you have plans in the next two weeks?" I shook my head. "Do you want to go to Singapore with me?" My brows raised and I gasped. "For the race, I thought, if we go together already we're already used to the weather there so we have an advantage!"

"You know I don't have a race in Singapore?" I asked, he nodded. "My next race is in Russia, why would I fly to a county so hot that you have to eat ice cream every hour?" I paused for a brief moment and stroked my hair out of my face. "And I promised my mum to help her with my sister and I haven't got the chance to really talk to Sabrina since Belgium."

"About Sabrina, I overheard her setting you up with some guys in the paddock," I rolled my eyes and sighed, typical. "I think she got 24 numbers."

"The bitch!" I exclaimed. "She told me to get out there and stuff, but I'd prefer one step at a time, I'm showing my face in public, that's enough for the next I don't know how many weeks." He chuckled. "Thanks for the offer by the way, but I can't go to Singapore for two weeks, I reckon you're able to find someone else."

"But are you going to watch?" He asked. "Because I'd really appreciate that." I nodded in reply. "Can I convince you to go watch the race in Singapore? I'll book a hotel for your mum and sister so you don't need to worry about that. I'll take care of everything; hotel, plane, paddock passes, whatever you need."

"That sounds really appealing, I'll go ask mum if she-" I got interrupted by Lando on his scooter, stopping when he saw us.

"Hi sunshine," Lando smirked. "Congratulations on your win, are you going to celebrate it?" I shook my head. "So it's just the two of us tonight? Doesn't matter though, we can have loads of fun without the others."

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