80. Homesickness sucks

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Our first official day in Greece was quite eventful if I could say so myself. We visited the famous Acropolis and the museum. Later we got some amazing ice rolls and went to the theatre of Dionysus. My obsession with Greek mythology throughout my entire teenage years, even though I still was nineteen, finally paid off. I ranted to George about many things and tried to educate him a bit about the subject, and unlike many other of my friends, he stood open for that.

I had been vocal already about how George listened so well. He was so invested in basically everything I told him and he even asked questions. Oh, and he could tell when I had a passion for a certain topic so he'd ask more about it. Which I found extremely sweet, I wasn't particularly used to that sort of behaviour. Especially not from my exes -excluding Charles- and the people I hooked up with more than twice. Anyways, George and I got so close on this day, I just couldn't stop speaking about the most random stuff.

Early in the evening, we strolled through Plaka, a beautiful part of Athens. We had found an empty table with two chairs, outside of a nice looking café. After this long and a bit of an exhausting day, we thought we deserved to settle down and take a break. We wanted to stay in town for another while, trying to make the most out of every day.

"So according to the statistics we have a compatibility rate of seventy-two per cent?" George asked, even willing to listen to my analysis of our natal charts. The dude even called his mum to ask for his birth time. "Lando told me to watch out for this moment."

"I told you we weren't bringing the irrelevant people up," I stated, reading an article about the compatibility of multiple zodiac signs as I in the meantime pointed out the things I considered to be interesting. George listened to me with much dedication, as if he found it truly interesting. "I need to figure out something to surprise you, but if Lando has told you everything already-"

"I googled you," George admitted. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You looked me up? On the internet?" I found it hard to believe. We knew each other since forever and I had to admit had googled my entire friend group before, but I didn't guess George to do the same. "What did you find out!" I laughed, George showed a smirk and opened his mouth to say something, but he just let out a couple of chuckles. "No." My mind immediately jumped to something embarrassing I had done as a kid.

"Yes," he said, making me gasp.

"Our youtube channel?" I asked in confirmation, I hoped this was indeed the case. George nodded. "I thought Sabrina deleted it!"

When Sabrina, Tanya and I were a bunch of happy children with no problems, the three of us started a youtube channel. I thought Sabrina deleted all the videos when we got in our first-ever fight with Tanya and we refused to be associated with her. However, life is full of surprises it appears, because now George found out.

Luckily, we barely ever recorded stuff and to be honest, I thought only the three of us and our parents knew. Oh, and our grandparents who lingered for our success. The most embarrassing part was that we'd still be recognisable. Even Tanya despite her nose job, which was done remarkably well, but there was no way I'd ever ask for her surgeon. On the other hand, we did speak dutch so our audience was pretty limited.

"How did you understand what we were saying though?" I asked, mainly curious. "I didn't speak English back then and how did you find it?"

"Now that you're pretty famous things start to show up again," he chuckled. "No worries though, it was pretty cute and not at all embarrassing." My mouth tightened, trying not to laugh. He could definitely bully me with this, not that he ever would, but the possibility was there. "Oh, and google translate helps a lot."

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