7. This day is similar to wet socks and crying babies on a plane

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mentions of mental illness/depression.
this chapter might be triggering for someone, I was too stupid to forget it the first time. I'm sorry for that. If this makes you uncomfortable, you might as well skip this chapter and I'll give you a short summary at the next chapter.
If you want to talk, you can send me a private message, I'm not classified as a therapist, but sometimes you just need to rant.
Once again, I'm sorry for not mentioning this earlier.

A few days passed and in a week the first practice would start. Time flies by when you're having fun they said and for once, I agreed with that sentence. I didn't miss my friends or family as I called the ones with priority every day. Beth would fly over in a few days, just in case someone was going to ask me questions. My media skills weren't to be proud of yet since I preferred to stay honest or throw shade at other drivers when they annoyed me, it had caused for some confrontations in the past, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut just because a camera pointed at my face.

"So, people can film and photograph me, but I can't comment on what they have to say?" I asked once again, poor connection and Bethari's heavy posh accent didn't exactly help with understanding what she had to say.

"Daisy, darling, no one is going to be interested in you yet, we'll announce you driving for Sauber a few days after the race so you don't need to be worried about standing out." I nodded, FaceTime came in handy these days. Beth shoved her glasses higher up her nose and sighed. "I recommend you stay with Charles the entire time when in the paddock, they won't question you being friends and it makes you less approachable."

"I'm only here to support Charles, there is no lie in that," I mumbled. "How is Soph?"

"Soph is allowed to leave on Monday," she showed a proud smile, but that soon faded. "Your mum on the other hand really struggles with the fact Soph will die, she's swallowing antidepressants and visits a therapist." My eyes widened. "Suicidal thoughts often occur, but your sister is really strong, a true fighter."

"How long has this been going on?" I asked, being quite astonished by my mums' current situation. "Y'all were supposed to keep me posted! Do I need to come home?" She shook her head and stroked her hand through her dark curls. "Mum can't take care of Soph if it's as bad as you say it is and Soph isn't keen on Marco when he's around for longer than two hours."

"Sabrina offered to help," Beth said, in my eyes that wasn't the best idea since Sabrina also had college and a job. "And we'd prefer if after the race you come right back home in London." I nodded. "Now enjoy your days off, I had contact with Charles' management, he's being followed by Netflix next week, so leave him alone for those days before they start to think you're dating," I chuckled. "That's not the image we want to portray for both sides."

I nodded, I could ignore him, I did it for the entire time I tested for Sauber, which was around a year now, a few days weren't hard. Or I didn't expect them to be. "But I can go to the paddock?" I asked, she told me earlier, but for reassurance, I asked again.

"Yes you can, but it's less weird to see a friend who happens to be involved in Formula 1 in the paddock than in a shared hotel room. About that, is everything alright over there? Are you comfortable enough? If you want I can switch you over to a different room."

"No," I shook my head. "These days were close to perfect, close, but I'm still mad you didn't say my mum considered to kill herself?" She sighed and nodded. "Charles is been really sweet, I get space when I need so and the food is delicious, we're going out for dinner every night. I haven't left the hotel though, but that's for another time."

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