21. Netflix has no chill

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A/n: you know what to do right? It'll be appreciated A LOT. Thanks in advance, love y'all.

With Charles deciding to stay on the other side of the world, in case he'd forget his race weekend again, it got a little boring here in London. My ankle was fully recovered now and preferably, I'd go race now, but unfortunately, I had to wait another month. I was in top shape honestly and ready to beat George, the final chance to be champ and I couldn't be more prepared. I was committed to my diet, workout and a daily dose of fresh air, along with a bit of fun with my friends, I got my shit together for once.

Sabrina and Lando picked me up after lunch. There happened to be an open house at sunflowers creek and none of us wanted to let that opportunity slide. The tour took around half an hour before we got to chat with the old owners, luckily Sabrina, being the charming person that she is, got them wrapped around her finger right away and was even able to get something off the price, which was bullcrap in my eyes as we could easily afford the house.

"We want it," Lando said, interrupting our conversation. "I'm one hundred per cent sure, no matter how much it cost," I looked at Sabrina that sat next to me on the couch, her eyes widened. "I drive past this house every month since I was a kid and Daisy and I always said; 'if we get to F1, we're buying this house.' It's a dream come true."

"You're willing to pay everything?" One of the men asked, adjusting his glasses. "You look young, all three of you, how are you able to afford this house in the first place? We don't want to get involved with the Italian underworld."

"Lando and I are soon to be F1 drivers, we have enough to buy the house," I said. "Seriously, there's no need to worry about the money." The other man nodded.

"My husband and I will think about it," he said. I already stood up to go away, assuming one of them was going to call either Lando, Sabrina or me, however, he gestured me to sit down again. "Five minutes, please."

Exactly five minutes later, we got the house. All we had to do was sign, which we obviously did, the real estate agent took another look at the contract and he approved, we had a great deal and next February, we got the keys. The couple said that if we had any more questions we could always call them. They also handed us pictures of every room in the house and gave us a blueprint, so we could already start with the designing.

Back in the car, we discussed how we were going to decorate our rooms, it turned out to be my job to do and that the others didn't give a shit about our interior. How would I survive this? They did agree to demolish the old kitchen and get a new one with a bigger cooking space and three ovens, however, my idea of a Ferrari red wall wasn't appreciated at all.


Later that day, somewhere in the afternoon, Netflix found their ways into my schedule, not the 'sit on the couch and watch 'the flash' kind of Netflix, but the 'we're going to follow you' kind of Netflix, the one Charles walked out of multiple times.

"So tell us who you are, what you're doing, any fun information whatever you want," a woman demanded, she seemed nice for now, but I could reassure you that whatever I was going to say, would be put out of context if that benefitted them. Luckily, Beth sat in the corner of the black painted studio, so I could keep an eye on her as well. She had hidden right behind the interviewer, looking at Beth wouldn't stand out at all, not even with a camera close up to my face.

"I'm not gonna mess it up this time," I sighed before starting with my introduction. "Hi, I'm Daisy Mayfield, 18 years old and I'm a formula 1 driver for Sauber-" Beth shook her head. -"I mean Alfa Romeo F1 team, cut that out, I'll just continue, uhm, I'm from the Netherlands, but I moved to England when I was around 8 I think, I don't remember that well. My mum is half British, so that's why we went to London. I have a sister, she's 15. Oh and I also have a dog, her name is fluffy, she's a golden retriever and very nice."

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