94. Is it just me or does this taxi move very slowly?

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Even months of hard work and practice couldn't prepare me for the intense struggle Singapore was. After the qualifying session, my surroundings seemed to sway all around and hydration was key in here. I immediately jumped inside a trash can they had filled with ice cubes, after the interviews of course, it was quite an unflattering sight for most. I had Pierre's mental support as he also sat in a trash can filled with ice, but he was unable to form conversation. For a second I thought they were keeping a dead body, but then he scrunched up his face and looked around. I kinda felt bad for him.

The ice was cold, obviously, since it was ice and one of the things that defined ice was the cold of it. Thanks to the ice, I was cold as well, but apparently, this method of torture had many benefits to my health and other bullshit. Logan mumbled something about blood circulation and all of that, as he sat on a chair, with a fan right in front of him. Not a fan as in the people, but just an inanimate object that caused a nice and fresh breeze. Logan had nothing to complain about, at least he still felt his toes. He could talk about my health for all that he wanted, but freezing to death seemed closer to the truth.

After the torture method, I got dressed in a sundress. There was no need to stay in the paddock any longer, and I stepped into the first taxi back to my hotel. I shared the taxi with Seb, who happened to be in the car when I asked for it to stop. He didn't mind me in there, he offered to give me a lift to the hotel. Officially he was still a Ferrari driver until the end of this season, so we stayed in the same place. I did see him walking through the hallways, but much more than a talk about the weather was off-limits.

"Congratulations on your Mercedes seat," I said, trying to form a conversation. I had much admiration for Seb, as any sane person would, yet I was still nervous to speak with him. The same way I had with Lewis. These were the drivers I saw racing when I grew up. Seb and Lewis both debuted when I was only seven years old, and now I was racing against them. It amazed me all over again, and honestly, talking to these people freaked me out.

I never cared much for other people's opinions, but when it came to legends, I cracked under pressure. With Kimi I was used to it by now, he was my teammate for so long. Despite him not being super talkative, we had an alright bond, mostly formed by our shared love for alcoholic drinks. Lewis wasn't too bad either, mainly because I befriended his wife. He had some influence on me, I had cut meat out of my diet after one of his preaches and I noticed I was looking for ethical products more often than I usually did. Nothing bad since I had done my research. Seb was a different story. I had my eyes on his seat for a long time, knowing Charles had a contract. So there was a bit of an awkward tension if I could answer that myself. Seb didn't seem to have much trouble with it.

"Thank you, and congratulations on the Ferrari seat!" He exclaimed. "I told Mattia, if there is anyone who takes that seat other than me, it has to be Daisy." With wide eyes, I looked at my fellow passenger. "What are you gonna name her?"

"I have no idea?" I answered a bit fazed. "To be honest I haven't heard about a seat officially." I stared at the back of the chair in front of me. "I need a moment honestly."

Seb opened a window for me. "You'll hear soon," he assured. "After that session today, I give it two days maximum before you get that call. There has been plenty of rumours going around and trust me, all are beneficial for you."

"You liked the lap?" I asked, also surprised. I did put in a cool lap. Despite the weather being so awfully hot, I placed my car on P7, once again decent, best of the rest technically speaking. Seb nodded.

"In the race, you have to be more careful in turn ten though, it's rocky there and you'll risk suspension damage, just a tip." I listened to him with full attention. "The wall outside of that corner is also pretty easy to hit, now you know."

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