29. Treat people with kindness, honestly

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A/n: I don't know what I'm doing but I just want to get rid of my drafts so here you go again! Comments and votes are appreciated a LOT so thanks in advance.

The peaceful Christmas days that my mum craved for got interrupted when yesterday Sabrina suddenly barged into the house with a tear-stained face. Obviously, this confused me. While unpacking my presents, from both my family and sponsors, my best friend started to cry out on my shoulder. I dropped my stuff and went upstairs with her, where she told me how her parents kicked her out and cut her off. I didn't understand why until she explained everything that happened.

Long story short: her parents didn't accept her having a girlfriend. This actually confused me even more as every time I visited her place, a warm and comfortable feeling hung in the air, no judgment and all the good vibes. Apparently, none of it met my expectations of Sabrina's household. It just didn't make sense.

Now that she didn't own a house, I offered her to move in with us. We bought sunflowers creek a few weeks ago, nothing wrong with practising for the future, right? She accepted my invitation as she literally had 'no other place to go' and didn't want to frighten Sarah, who already had the scare of a lifetime. This impacted Sarah as well. I only met her once and I've never met someone more perfect for Sabrina, I looked forward to our next meeting, but from what I've heard, Sarah blamed herself for how Sabrina's family reacted on the relationship and I wouldn't see her again anytime soon.

"I need to drop out of college," Sabrina said, "I can't finish my semester with no money and I definitely can't fly from London to Amsterdam every day." She mumbled when we walked through the neighbourhood for Fluffy her needs. I opened my mouth to say something, but she shushed me. "And don't you dare to lend me your money."

"That was exactly what I wanted to do," I sighed, knowing she didn't want to rely on me or my money. "I'm paying for Sophia's treatment already, I won't miss a couple of thousands per month."

"I want to be independent," She stated. Rubbing Fluffy's head when the dog craved for some attention. "I want my parents to look at me and regret everything they've said. I want to be an icon, someone young girls can look up to and make a statement, like you're doing!"

"I'm the worst role model you can have though," I chuckled. "I don't listen to my manager, risk my reputation for some boy and don't get me started on the pain I've put Logan through." She rolled her eyes. "But I'm writing history in racing though."

"That's exactly what I mean," She said. "You're doing what you want, who you want and when you want, that's what I need, no stress and just go with the flow. Your life is so easy, I'd love to have no worries like you!" Darling, my life is hella stressful, but okay. "Can't you make me head of engineering or something?"

"I'm taking Joey with me, sorry," I apologised, but it seemed better to have someone who knew what he was doing instead of my best friend who couldn't do maths. "You also don't have the experience to work in F1."

"True," She sighed. "Isn't Charles searching for a
pr-manager? Just sleep with him and get me that job." My eyes widened, I didn't mind sleeping with him, but not to take advantage of him afterwards. "Can't you just bring it up next time you see him? When are you meeting again?"

"I was supposed to go tomorrow..." I scrunched my nose, I couldn't leave Sabrina alone with all the struggles going on in her life. "But I'll cancel my plans, no worries."

"Oh hell no," She said. "You're going to Monaco tomorrow, I already ruined your Christmas mood by barging in here, you're going to see your boyfriend no matter what."

"It's fine, I've seen him two weeks ago, we've been separated for longer," I said, this didn't deny I hadn't missed him. We hadn't spoken a lot during my mums birthday and the last time it's been just the two of us had to be after Lando's birthday party, also over a month ago. "I'd worry about you if I left now."

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