57. I hit my head again and this time it might have positive effects on my brain

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A few days after the extraordinary performance of drunk Daisy, George and I went back to London. I recited my notes in the plane, much to the annoyance of George. He assured me I'd fail the exam and to be honest, I couldn't prove him wrong. Nothing stated in the text made sense. It got so bad that I kept rereading the summary on the last page in the book during the time we took to get our baggage and check out. I didn't watch my steps and bumped up to multiple people. Eventually, George got so sick of apologising, he grabbed a luggage trolley and asked me to sit on top of our suitcases.

"Dais! I can't see a thing!" George shouted over the chatter of hundreds of people. I rolled my eyes, he asked (in a way you could consider it to be forced) me to sit here, he had no right to complain. "You're blocking my view!"

I gave him a stern look as I looked over my shoulder. "I'm the best view you can get, stop whining." He rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Don't say you don't agree with me Georgieboy, that would make you-" I tapped on his nose once before I continued, "-wrong."

"You know what is also wrong?" He asked, resting his head on my shoulder. "All the answers you're gonna fill in on that physics exam." I gasped at his response. "And that, my love, is a fact."

"Hey! Don't 'my love' me!" I answered, crossing my arms. "I'm gonna catch feelings if you show me any sign of affection." George chuckled. "That's not funny! Feelings are so bloody damn annoying."

"Tell me about it," He sighed. "But it sounds pretty weird coming from you." I shrugged. "Lando really hurt you didn't he?" I shook my head. I didn't want to talk about it. "We've avoided the subject for the past few days, I'm getting curious now."

"I told Lando I loved him -like I truly loved him- and then ran away," I explained. George raised his brows. "It's stupid I know, but I wasn't thinking at all." But when was the last time you actually thought about something, Dais? "I don't think that often though."

"Wow, what a surprising announcement, I really don't know what to do with that shocking information," George mumbled sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and focused back on my book. I muttered some of the words on the paper, so George got annoyed with me again and started to move the luggage trolley in a way I lost my balance a little. I gave him a stern look and nudged his stomach with my elbow. "Was that necessary?" He squeaked out.

"Yes," I stated. "Yes, it was. I've been craving for this moment for a long time, so let me do my thing."

"You wanted to make me bleed internally?" George asked, still with a high pitched voice.

"I wanted us to be together again," I answered. He raised his brows. "As friends you muppet." George nodded quickly and showed a smile. We didn't pay attention to our surroundings when we burst out in laughter for no reason. I just looked into his eyes and he started smiling, his smile worked contagiously and before we knew we laughed our asses off in the middle of a crowded airport.

The laughing quickly stopped when we bumped up to an enormous advertisement for a holiday to Greece. I had fallen off the suitcases and now sat on the floor with my hand covering my forehead. I looked up and saw the bright lights of the screen that promoted that vacation. George, who I never saw this worried before, grabbed my arm and lifted me back up on my two feet. I felt a little dizzy and stumbled against his chest. "Hi?" I whispered. "I don't think I ever saw you from this close." Only a few millimetres separated our faces. "I think this is the moment where we kiss."

He raised his brows. "But we won't-" George said. "-right?" I furrowed my brows and shook my head. I blamed my ridiculous words for the fact I just bumped my head. "We can't be that stupid to do such thing, in forever."

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