101. The universe wants me to get my shit together

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Lando and I entered the common room of the hotel looking all flustered and like drenched dogs. It wasn't the most appealing sight, for anyone really. Our friends repeatedly asked if we were doing okay, and my answer simply contained the words; never been better. Other than the day we got the Ferrari seat then, that honestly had to be the best day of the year, this was a close second though.

Alex walked up to me in specific, asking if he was about to get a hundred euros. Oh yes, I almost forgot he bet on Lando and me getting together before the end of the year. I obviously didn't want to pay, and at the same time, I felt like I needed to keep whatever Lando and I had going on a secret for the time being. Just to figure things out. That five date rule could also apply to announcing our situationship, well, it wasn't a situationship either. We were dating, but he wasn't my boyfriend. Maybe I misunderstood something, we'd simply go out a few times and see how it went. Possibly something beautiful being the result.

The remaining part of the day was filled with playing stupid games and other activities to waste our time. It was quite strange, sitting inside and not being able to do much else. My attempts of being productive failed miserably. We just hung around the hotel, played a bit of just dance. Unsurprisingly, I scored five stars on every One Direction song they played. Later on, Daniel told me once met Louis Tomlinson when he visited a race one time. It was a bunch of years ago, but I hoped to convince Daniel so he could convince Louis to visit another one.

It got a bit later and some of us decided to grab some dinner in the hotel, a few of the others weren't that hungry yet. I was accompanied by Lando, Max, Charles and Pierre. A decent group of people if I said so myself. First we ordered a few refreshing drinks from the menu. I already knew I was going to order a whole lot of sushi. I had looked forward to this for months now.

"Are you allowed to eat fish?" Charles asked me, he sat diagonally across from me, next to Lando. I had Pierre next to me and Max claimed the head of the table. "Since you suddenly switched to not eating animals?"

"I can make an exception," I answered. As long as no one told Lewis, I wouldn't be confronted about my millionth cheat day. "Come on, we're in Japan... we have to eat sushi."

"I'll pass," Lando claimed, scrunching up his face. "If I don't eat fish and you do, the proportions are alright." He made no sense in my opinion. "Look, normally you'd skip eating animals, now I'm skipping. So that means it doesn't matter if you eat sushi."

"You're only skipping because you hate fish," both Max and I said. We exchanged a look, but it annoyed me to say the same thing as he did.

"Not for the climate and all that," Pierre jumped in. "But okay, sushi for four? Lando can eat off the kids' menu." Lando glared at my friend and shook his head. The 'sushi for four' was kind of appealing, we'd just get a huge plate filled with something that was close to being my favourite food.

"As long as I get my sushi I don't really mind in what way," I said, beckoning a waitress to come over. She took our orders and we just had to wait for our food.

We chatted a bit about the weather, which was a bit boring and I didn't care, not anymore. My fear of the thunderstorm destroying us all had faded away. It wasn't as heavy as before, so that could've helped. It still rained outside, and sometimes the clouds made scary noises, but other than that my concerns were pretty much taken away.

"Dais," Charles again said, he drew quite a lot of my attention the entire evening. "I have a proposal for you." He briefly raised his brows, causing Lando to shoot him a glare. I didn't suspect a flirty type of thing, my mind directed me to something Ferrari related. "I obviously can't ask it in front of these people, so do you mind if we go talk over there?"

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