41. And today things changed

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A/n: am I allowed to beg for votes and comments again? This chapter is long so I'm gonna do it anyway. Please.

The first race of the season, something I looked forward to and always would remember as my debut race. I had no clue how the other cars actually performed on track, so this race felt even more exciting than others because here we'd get the real stuff. Of course, testing went great and we could really fight for that p5 in the constructors' championship, but I highly doubted it as last season they finished with a respectable eighth position. Obviously, I wanted to see the team improve, but now that I thought about it. Fifth could be a little too ambitious.

Something I certainly didn't miss during winter break, was the media day. I couldn't sit one out already, so I needed to show my face some time this day. I locked myself up in my driver room for as long as I could, until Aisha interrupted my moment of peace. The entire morning I tried to get in touch with Charles, but he left me on read which annoyed me a lot. I just wanted to wish him well.

"I know who wouldn't leave you on read," Aisha mumbled as we strolled through the paddock. I looked at her, being jealous of her side profile. "George."

"George just has his priorities straight," I stated. Aisha rolled her eyes. "I text him and bam-" I clapped my hands once. -"He's online!" Aisha chuckled and shook her head, gesturing at the Williams garage. "Yeah, I know where he drives Aish, no need to point it out."

She nudged my shoulder and wiggled her brows. "Someone gets defensive," she whispered with a naughty grin on her lips. "Is there anything I should know about?"

"It's just- George acts really strange around me and-" I sighed, playing with a strand of hair that happened to fall in front of my face. -"Sophia says he has a crush on me."

"Wonderful how you can say an obvious fact as if you're surprised," Aisha answered. She pressed her lips tightly together and nodded, glancing around the crowded space.

"I just can't believe it!" I exclaimed. "I'm not that blind, am I?" Aisha shrugged. "And if George has a crush on me, it means Lando has a crush on me as well." My eyes widened as I realised. "Only if my sister is right, but Soph can't be right! She's literally the dumbest person in existence!"

"I think that position is already taken," Aisha chuckled, patting my shoulder. "Remember when I told you you were smart?" I nodded. "I take it back, you're great in school don't worry about that, but in situations like this-" she raised her brows and clenched her jaw as she showed her teeth. "-you're rubbish."

"Thanks for the compliment," I sighed sarcastically. "Is it really that obvious?" Aisha nodded. "Then what the fuck should I do about it?"

"The team doesn't want you swearing," she mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "And the attitude isn't appreciated either." She paused for a moment and continued. "Do you like one of them?"

"I haven't looked at George any different than a friend and Lando is in the past," I admitted as I stared at my shoes. "And I love them both, I really do-"

-"but you love Charles more?" Aisha finished the sentence for me, though that wasn't what I was about to say.

I loved Charles, I truly did, however not in the same way as I loved Lando. If I needed to compare, I'd pick my best friend over my boyfriend, that was just the way it worked. Bro's before hoes, sisters before misters, now that didn't apply in this context since I never overlooked my friends because of Charles. I just loved them differently, two of them as friends, one of them as the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I knew I didn't waste my time with him, he could actually be the one.

"I love them as friends," I corrected. "I can't live without them, honestly, but I don't need them by my side 24/7. I'd go nuts."

"Aren't you moving in with Lando and raising a dog with him?" Aisha asked, furrowing her brows. "Like I don't know, but that sounds a lot like a serious relationship?"

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