2. A+ for effort? socialising is hard mate

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A week passed and Lando was there to keep me up my feet for every minute, unless I needed some space, then he left and helped my mum and sister with daily chores or groceries. It was really sweet of him and I felt really lucky to have him as my friend. Though mum couldn't seem to figure out why he acted so nice. Marco, mum's boyfriend, was really sweet to me as well, everyone I've spoken to was actually. Lando on a higher level, but surprisingly he wasn't the only one.

We headed off for Belgium early in the morning, so we could stay at my grandparents a little longer, who lived in the Netherlands just like the rest of my family. With me being from Dutch origins as well, I felt comfortable in my home country. It's been a while without seeing family besides the people living in our house, which wasn't a lot, just mum, Sophia and the dog. Adding Lando and Sabrina to that same household wouldn't make a difference since both sat on our couch 24/7. Unfortunately, my best friends stayed in England for a little longer and I could pick Lando up from the airport on Wednesday before the first race-weekend after summer break started again.

Only four remaining races for the season meant that George had four more races to close the gap between us or that I had the same amount of races to score some more points and stay at the lead. Being the first female f2 champion seemed like a dream come true, though I really didn't want that kind of attention. Staying in the shadows and avoiding the spotlights sat better in my mind, knowing people judged me quicker than they did with my friends. It's not that I wanted to say it's because I'm female, I didn't want to believe such bullshit, but Bethari, my manager, and others I've met, printed that image into my brain and they were right. Brainwashed? Maybe, but deep down I knew it myself, everyone did.

We entered our grandparents' driveway in front of the house, mums silver Suzuki drove over the dusty road in direction of their farm. We could already see their goats on the right and chickens walked around everywhere. I knew they also had a few cows, but they weren't visible from here as they usually stood behind the little house.

Sophia knocked on the dark green door and in a few seconds, grandma opened it, welcoming us in her cosy house with a hug. "Good morning darlings, long time no see, unfortunately," grandma said, taking our coats. "Harold is in the backyard gardening, we're eating french fries tonight, homemade." Sophia showed a wide smile as she heard we were going to eat her favourite food. Both mum and Sophia walked away in direction of the living room, I followed them, but grandma stopped me. "Eveline?" I nodded, though I was suspicious, being called by my middle name usually didn't mean any good. "Where is your lapdog?"

"What do you mean? Fluffy is right here with us." I scratched my head and furrowed my brow. "She's probably already with grandpa."

"I mean the tall blond guy, Lucas I think." She adjusted her glasses and shoved them higher up her nose, then resting her hands on her hips after she gestured me to sit down. I took place on the wooden stairs and so did she. "I have a bad feeling about him, my friend, Caroline has a sixth sense and can predict the future, she says he's bad news."

"Tell Caroline she's absolutely right, we've broken up," I sighed, stroking my hair behind my ear. "He wasn't too happy about my decision to put it kindly," Grandma put an arm around me and rubbed my back for comfort. "It's better this way though, I'm going to take a break from boys for a while."

"Nobody liked him anyway." She shrugged, I furrowed my brows and forced a smile. "Sorry honey, I know you loved him," Not really. "Caroline's granddaughter is a lesbian."

"What does that have to do with my breakup?" I chuckled, not expecting the comment she just made.

"I wish I was a lesbian," grandma mumbled. "But instead I got attracted to the less fair sex," I nodded. "Harold is a nice man, but if I had the choice I'd be living in a little cottage deep in the woods with a woman." I nodded, the cottage part truly seemed like a dream, far away and never having to leave the house. Though I didn't quite understand why grandma wished to be oppressed. She stood up and walked away, leaving me behind with the luggage. I took one of my bags and went upstairs to the guest room, where I usually stayed when I was here.

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