65. Sophia makes threaths

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She looked even paler than usual. Her fragile body rested on the hospital bed. The doctors cleaned most of the scrams on her face and had taken care of some of the worst bruises I had ever seen in my lifetime. She didn't move.

I slowly walked into the room, Lando waited for my permission to go as well. However, I just needed a moment with my mum. I tried to form a smile when I rested my hand on her head, still warm. She sighed and squeezed her closed eyes even closer. I knew she lived before I entered the room, that was what the nurse told me, so her showing signs of life wasn't too big of a surprise. That didn't mean I wasn't happy about the fact she breathed. I tried to whisper her something, though the tears forming in my eyes prevented me from doing so. I wanted to stay strong for her and I refused to cry.

Mum grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes, one corner of her mouth curling upwards. It took her a lot of effort apparently, and I couldn't blame her for that. She got into a car accident, hit by a truck to be more specific. "How is Sophia?" She asked, her voice sounded soft and cracking, a little unpleasant to listen to honestly.

"She's at the circuit, George is watching her," I said. I didn't tell mum that I actually asked Charles to do so, but I knew she preferred George over Charles. According to her, George was more responsible and actually a loyal friend that wouldn't sleep around with some bitch in his marketing team. Even though that last part had nothing to do with George and if he wanted to sleep with someone in his marketing team he could totally do that. I wouldn't stop him for that matter. I wouldn't like it either, but as his just-friend, my opinions didn't really matter in this concept. "She's doing fine."

Another lie. Ever since mum went missing, Sophia's condition worsened. A few doctors had been running around our house the past few days and tried to help Soph, though, despite all their efforts, Sophia called them annoying bitches and showed not a sign of respect. I obviously corrected her on that, but then she called me an idiot as well and the only communication we had was through Lando. So if Sophia needed something from me, she'd ask Lando first and then he had to tell me what she wanted. Like he was a messenger.

"Eveline," she sighed. "I'm already suffering enough, your lies don't make it better. How is Sophia?" She whispered, repeating the same question as before.

"Still alive," I forced a smile. "But she missed you a lot." Mum nodded and hummed some inaudible words. She shifted her gaze off me and I stepped aside, beckoning Lando to enter the room as well. I was convinced she loved Lando more than she loved me and those thoughts got only assured more when she no longer paid attention to me, her daughter for heaven's sake.

Maybe she considered Lando like a son to her, but I really hoped she did not think of him like that. For some reason, it felt really illegal if she saw him as a son, maybe because that would make him similar like a brother to me and that honestly disgusted me. If she saw him as a son-in-law then I wouldn't have a problem with it. Wait what? It would still be weird, because Lando had a stupid girlfriend and I enjoyed my life as a single woman. However, the chance he would be her son-in-law was so much bigger than the chance we would ever see each other as brother and sister. Not that us getting married would ever happen if things stayed this way, though maybe in the future- no, stop it, Dais.

"Are you okay?" Lando asked my mum. "Well, except for the fact that you have broken almost every bone in your body." Mum let out a quick chuckle and then nodded. "If there's anything I can do for you please tell me. I'm more than happy to help."

"Keep an eye on Daisy," She replied a little too fast. As if she had been planning this for ages. She started to whisper something, well, she attempted to. I could still hear what she said. "I have a bad feeling about her acting so irresponsible, especially with the French guy again."

"Charles isn't French and I'm not irresponsible." I defended myself and crossed my arms. I took a step back and leaned against the cyan painted wall. A pretty colour in my eyes, typical for a hospital. Every hospital I have ever been in had either these type of walls or just plain white ones, but I preferred these because they gave the room more atmosphere than the sterile white that honestly was a burden to my eyes. "And shall we not pretend Lando doesn't stare at my ass all the time."

My friend's eyes widened. "I'm simply appreciating your beauty," Lando explained himself, also stepping back when he received a stern look from my mother, who meant something totally different when she told him to keep an eye on me. "I'll prevent her from doing anything, or anyone, stupid." He said to Eve.

"Try to stop me," I scoffed. "I'm not going to stay single forever." Lando shrugged at my response. "You seriously believe I'm gonna be a lonely cat lady?" He didn't answer my question and turned his head to the window, next to my mother's bed.

"No! Of course not!" He exclaimed. "You're a dog person, the day you get a cat is the day aliens invade the earth." He paused for a moment. "And you won't be staying all by yourself forever." I raised my brows, something about his words didn't suit me. "I won't leave your side, as your best friend."

"Yay, best friend!" I faked my enthusiasm, which no one in this room seemed to notice. It actually hurt to be the one getting friend-zoned, for everything was a first, but getting friend-zoned wasn't on my bucket list to be honest. I was supposed to reject others, I never got rejected, and getting rejected by Lando was a different type of pain. I had no clue why, maybe because I loved this muppet and maybe I was just desperate for attention from my best friend. I blamed it on the last possible cause I mentioned. Yes, I craved for his attention, nothing more. "My super best friend!"

"Yeah these two are fucking," Sophia suddenly mumbled. I recognised the voice of my sister out of thousands and I looked at the opening of the door. Sophia sat in a wheelchair, being pushed by some nurse and followed by George. He mouthed me an apology for bringing my sister here, but then he explained she bribed him. He told she put on the puppy eyes, though that didn't sound like Sophia at all. She probably just handed him some money and made a vague promise she wouldn't commit herself to. Oh and George easily fell for her trap. "Out of this room lovebirds, mum already had a car accident, we don't need her to get sick because of all of your lies and bad attempts to shoot your shots. Honestly, you two are desperate for each other."

"Absolutely not!" I raised my voice a little, causing Sophia to roll her eyes. She couldn't care less. She convinced herself over the past few years that Lando and I needed to get together at some point in her life, it never bothered me, but now that -as she said so- her expiration date came closer, she started to annoy us with her strong beliefs. She was similar to those church people that showed up on our doorstep to convince us to go to church with them, I always scared them off by saying I worked on a Sunday and then I slammed the door shut to continue my routine of doing not a lot of things except for preparing for one of the upcoming races. "I have eyes for someone else." I took a glance at George, who exchanged looks with Lando, forming an entire conversation I wasn't even part of.

"If that special someone is Charles I will not hesitate to throw you out of that window," Sophia stated. "We are done with that dude, move the fuck on and get a life. Honestly, what are we doing here? Finding a potential partner for the future or fooling around?"

"Fooling around," Lando, George and I said at the same time. We burst out in laughter since our voices spoke in perfect sync, almost in a way it got a little scary.

"I mean, I'm successful while fooling around, so it will stay this way for a while," I explained. "And no one has told me to act professional-" except for Beth, Aisha and literally anyone who needed to work with me. -"So why should I risk becoming a boring person?"

Sophia had no clue either. "Valid point," She said. "Though if I don't see any changes in the next five years," She pointed at Lando and then at me, darting her gaze between the two of us. "I will haunt the living shit out of you two."

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine," George rolled his eyes, but his attitude changed when Sophia slapped him. "Sorry Soph-" she raised her brows. "-ia." He quickly corrected.

"I'm not kidding bitches," My sister repeated. "I will curse you and your children."

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