100. The moment we all waited for, or well, most of us

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The weather hadn't calmed down at all. Loud gusts of wind, hard rain, flooding streets. I was so lucky to sit inside and be surrounded by the people I tolerated. High-risk places were evacuated.

I woke up early on Saturday morning, worried that something might've happened. I wasn't the one to be afraid of thunderstorms, in fact, they used to calm me down. Although this situation was unlike any I had ever experienced before, which got on my nerves. The first few hours of my day were simply filled with watching the rain pour out of the sky while sitting in my pyjamas. Once it was around nine am, I got dressed and tried to eat something. I felt nauseous, but technically it was race weekend and my diet was stricter than usual. When I didn't throw up, I went to see some others at the same place we hung out yesterday. Yet nobody was there.

I assumed most of them still slept, or that I missed a few during breakfast. It didn't really matter though. I was perfectly capable of spending my time alone, even in a public place. The tranquillity wasn't a bother at first until thunder filled the lack of noise. I distracted myself by doodling on a random paper I found on the table, then I even decided to exercise, wearing jeans. Worst mistake of my life, perhaps not the absolute worst, I made quite a lot of mistakes. I needed to stay busy, so I thought about what George had said yesterday.

It didn't take away any of my concerns about safety and possibly dying because of rain and thunder. I did get my mind off it at some point, but just when I thought it was over the heavy clouds made such a noise my worries were rising again. I couldn't sit still for a single moment.

Back to what George said, it had kept me up until late. I still questioned Lando's feelings towards me, even after hours of staring at the ceiling. I did come to the conclusion I was ready to start dating again. However, that could've been heavily influenced by the storm going on and being frightened as hell because of it. I assumed having a special someone again, could soothe me at those moments. Then when I thought of such a special person, the only decent one crossing my mind was Lando. So screw my life, this was simply humiliating.

He happened to be the first person to join me in the room as well. Not followed by anyone else. "I thought you would be up already," he commented. I let my head fall against the headrest of the couch, the one positioned opposite of the tv. I turned to face my best friend. He pulled his legs onto the couch too. I already had mine tucked in. We took up quite some space, but there was no one else to confront us. "How did you sleep?"

"Worst night of my life," I sighed. "This storm causes major stress." I asked him if he was upset by the storm too, but he didn't answer. He only listened to me, nodding and humming to rhetorical questions. He did add some points too, but I doubted if he was too intrigued in our conversation. I couldn't blame him for that, talking about storms the moment you rolled out of bed wasn't a great way to start your day.

"I'm so sorry," he answered, stroking circles on the back of my hand. I gazed into his eyes a little too long, again realising what George had said. I doubted his claims. Lando didn't break our eye contact, but I did, I dropped my eyes and squeezed his hand. Was this the moment I was finally going to be honest with him? Of course not, but I did consider it, and that was a start. I thought. "What is on your mind, sunshine?"

"I'm scared," I said. I was scared of losing Lando, but I guessed he thought I meant the thunderstorm. Which was for the better, in my idea. "This thing makes it look like the world is ending." Lando let out a short chuckle, looking away and then back to me. "And then there are just things I haven't been truthful about."

"Like?" Lando asked. This is your chance, fool.

"But it will be very stupid if we do make it out alive, which, realistically speaking, we will," I explained. Lando didn't get my point. Neither did I to be fair. "You know, a few weeks ago I told you to be the first to know if I was ready to date again?"

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