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"Ugh!!" I said while trying to get up. My body is so sore because of this fucking exam. I blink my eyes many times so my visions clear.

I looked around the surrounding and yet i am here in the recovery room.
I sigh in annoyance but quickly replace by pain in my wrist, so i hold it tightly trying not to squeeze it.

I remember my dumbass and quickly widen my eyes. I try to find her but quickly replace by relief. She's beside me sleeping soundly.

I took at her appearance and frown at it. She got bruises on her arms and legs. One break leg, one bruise beside her jaw, dry lips and some blood on it, and scratches everywhere. I then notice that she's wearing the completely torn costume.

I stare at her peacefully face. Staring the beautiful woman in the world that i love. I admire this woman and im fucking sure that if the fucking perverts or boys go to her, im gonna fucking kill them.

I hear some shuffling behind my back so i quickly snapped at the mesmerizing face of my beloved girl.
I gruff in annoyance and look at it.

And yeah it's great, its fucking deku. His injured again his fucking arms.
He look at me with confuse face and i fucking hate that.

"Ka-kaachan, Y-your a-awake." He said stuttering and i fucking hate it again. I glare at him even more and speak.

But interrupted by the door's open.
Me and deku look at it and its the lazy teacher, Aizawa-sensei.

He toss us the CD that i don't even fucking know what is it. We all look at him dumbfounded like "what are we gonna do to this" sounds like that.

He sigh and oint the CD before speaking. "Put it in the TV, that is you three performance earlier. The fight of allmight. Skip the beginning and go to 8:43. Because that is when Y/N help you two" he said bluntly.

"W-wait did we fail?" Deku ask and turning to look at me, he continued.
"I don't know because i passed out when kaachan already sleeping."

I think to myself that i passes out and the only thing i hear is Y/N shouting my name on the background so i didn't know what happen.

"Yes, you two passes BECAUSE OF Y/N" sensei said which makes us guilty about it. Sensei sigh and leave closing the door quietly.

Me and deku look at each other telling that someone must put this on. I glare at him and said.
"PUT THIS IN DEKU!" i yell and release some explosion on my hands.

He just gulp and nodded before getting the CD and put it on. It reveal the three of us in the beginning and the part that i punch deku on the face which i kinda cringe on it.

I stole the remote from him and put in of the number what sensei said. I cross my legs and quickly look the footage carefully.

I see Y/N running to me saying something before she kisses my forehead which it made me blush. But i shrug it off and look at it..

I see deku getting unconscious. And the only thing is conscious is Y/N.
She look at all might with anger on her eyes which ut ached my heart because i don't want to see her like this.

The fight go on and i always jump on my sit when shortie getting beaten by all might. And i gasp in surprise when it come to end because she hold us weakly and go to the exit slowly but surely.

I see her stumble on her butt and trying to control her breathing which is not working. I clenched my fist while watching this.

She quickly get up and passed the exam. Me and deku sigh in relief but when i look to deku, he is already crying to himself.

I clenched my fist tighter because i or i say we feel guilty because Y/N win this for us. Not to herself but for the team.

I look at my girlfriend before smiling softly. I look at deku and see him close the door for our privacy which I fucking respected that.

I slowly lay beside her and gazing my eyes towards her beautiful face. Memorizing all of her features. Even she's beaten by the fake villain, i see her as a beautiful and cute woman.

I put my hand to her cheeks, while my thumb caressing her cheek. I slowly grin at her and kiss hear forehead slowly. I can savour my time with her. I will probably will lock her in my house with me on her. But this world is full of enemy's and i will protect her no matter what happen.

I grinned widely and speak softly.
"You did a good job beating the villain baby,i promise that i will be here forever to you okay, i love you
So much baby"

I said to her sweetly and softly like there's no tomorrow but i just love her and i im gonna give my life for her and only her.

I put my arms around her and nuzzle my face to her cold neck and inhaling her scents. Her scents is giving me a peace and fresh mind.

"I love you baby" i said softly and softly close my eyes, imagining the things we could do in the future.
I know that were too young for this but i can't help it, if we will going to break up in the future, i know there has a reason on it.

I know that I am a bad, aggressive and egotistical boy in this damn school. But she changed me completely. She changed my personality. She changed me for being softy and i like it.

And i fall into a deep slumber with my beloved love beside me sleeping

Im sorry this is a short chapter. im just busy because you know its Christmas and by the way

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