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I woke up, eat, dress up and hop on my motorcycle like a daily routine. Walking in the gates but stopped when people started fucking recognizing me.

"Hey, good job there your awesome and im rooting for you girly." The man said to me while smiling. Before i respond many people join to them.

"Your cool there"

"Im rooting for you"

"You kick their ass"

"Good job miss"

And many people greeted me. "Thank you guys for all your support" while smiling at them sweetly follow with a bow.

They all grinning to me and saying goodbye. Many people taking a pic of me cause i win in the sport festival.

I walk to my usual classroom and look around. My eyes landed to my pomeranian boyfriend. His sitting there and gazing at the window with earphones on.

I smile at the peace sight of him. I walk towards him and kiss him quickly in his lips. He turn quickly to me with angry eyes. But quickly soften when it's just his own girlfriend.

"Good morning baby" i wink to him and he grin slightly. "Good morning princess" while smirking to me and wink. I blush and nodded while going to my seat.

"Heya Y/N, did people recognize you?" Hagakure ask me. I answered. "Yes so fucking many." While laughing and smiling widely.

"Of course your the one who wins the sports festival." Sero said.

Uncle zawa walk in and greeted us. " now after your sport festival, we called this an internship, you will experience how to be sidekick with the real heroes in your side. So this is your offers." And press some button before some hologram showed up.

Y/N- 10,589
Todoroki- 5,399
And so on.

"Wait, what Todoroki is so many offer than bakugou. But different places in festival?" Jirou said while twirling her earphone jacks.

"Thats is the pro hero's wants you to intern with them." Uncle said bluntly.
Sero snicker and continued." Cause his scary when he tied in a chair while giving medals." And laugh.


"So you need to pick a hero name" while staring at us tired. Before he can continue someone kick the door and shout." You need to pay!" Midnight announce while she is in her costume.

Many boys drool but not my boyfriend. I smirk and laugh in my thoughts. She continued." Now get this white board and write your hero name here." She gives us the white boards and think.

I can't fucking think what name is im gonna write. Until one by one they represent their names until me,midoriya, lida, katsuki and todoroki has no names.

"Sweetie, do you want to go up now?" While looking at me. I nodded and went up. I breathe and exhale loudly. Showing my white board and said.

" this is mine, WITCH GODDESS"

Bakugou look at me wide eyes cause this is his suggestion when me and him are not together.

Y/N and bakugou is sitting in a blossom tree while gazing at the sky.
Until bakugou looked at Y/N and said.
"Witch goddess"

Y/N asked and tilt her head in the side." Witch goddess?" Looking at him with confusion in her eyes. He sigh and run his fingers to his blonde hair and said.
"Your hero name will gonna be witch goddess" while he smirk to her.

Y/N Stare at him wide eyes and smile sweetly. "Yeah yeah its pretty good, and your gonna be-"

While bakugou looked away with blush on his cheeks. You slightly laugh with his cute flustered face and smirk while going to sit down.

"Next bakugou, no explosion murderer and no lord explosion murderer." My aunty glare at him. While smirk and show his board.

Yeah yeah its pretty good, and your gonna be


I gasp loudly and i turn to blush while he smirk loudly while the class cheer for his name. He turned back to his Chair. But before that he passed to me and whisper to my ear." I love you Baby"

while walking away and sit in his chair like nothing happen. He turned to me and his smirk is now wide and i look away to him.

"So now you chose your Hero name, and this is will your name in hero forever. Understood, now class dismissed" aizawa said. We continue to pack up but stopped by uncle.

"And this is all you have heroes to intern and it's many papers or stack so read it carefully base on your quirk." While walking out the classroom.

Someone put their hands in my shoulder and it's kirishima. "Yo men, that's a bunch of papers!" While looking at the stack of papers in wide eyes. While mina, denki and sero join the conversation

"So Y/N, what pro hero will you choose and intern to you?" Mina ask while smiling widely to me. I check my papers until it landed in one hero.

I stare at it wide eyes and mouth agape. Until denki broke the silence." Yo we ha-, WOW! it's pro hero endeavor. The number 2 hero!!"

I nodded quietly while katsuki still holding my hand and rub it against his thumb. And quietly kiss my knuckles.

I blush and soften my eyes at the moment. Katsuki his a hothead, aggressive, loud person but one day it change it all. I know me and katsuki got together yesterday. But he shows so much affection cause you know. Im his first girlfriend. And my first boyfriend. My first kiss.


"Okay you need to take care of yourself, and be a sidekick to experience how hard to become a hero to fight with a real villain. Understood." Uncle said bluntly while smiling creepily.

"Yass" shout mina while the other grinning to her attitude. But interrupted when uncle glare to her. "It's yes sir" uncle said.

Mina visibly gulp amd I started laughing while the others snickering at the back. "Yes sir!" While sighing and cross her arms in her chest.

Everyone scattered until me and katsuki are the only one in the front of train station. I put down my suitcase and turn to him while he already looking at me. I smirk and lean to him and put my arms in his neck.

I felt him stiff and i lean closer the my lips reaching his ears and whisper." Don't you want a goodbye kiss, baby" i said seductively and lick his ear. I feel him sweating and look at me with those hungry and loving eyes.

He smirk loudly and whisper to my ear while putting me down and put his arms around my waist pulling me close to him."of yeah ofcourse baby girl" saying with sexy and low voice.

We started to lean and kiss each other. While the whole class watched at the back cheering the new couple. While my uncle just stood there bored and want to go to sleep.

I moan to kiss and feel him hard quickly. I chuckled slightly and put my finger in his lips indicating to stop. He huff loudly and kiss my forehead.

Icy hot come to us to go to train cause were in the same internship. I quickly peppering a kiss to katsuki's face. While he chuckled slightly.

He turn to icy hot and glare to him while hugging my waist. "Protect her you damn half n half bastard!!" While growling.

He nodded and motion his hands to get in the bus. I nodded and quickly turn to my boyfriend and quickly peck his lips. And run away.

When we were in the train with icy hot beside me. I look at the window. He wave at me and I wave back to him. I give him soft sweetly smile and banish.

I sigh and sit down. My guts has something want to tell me but i couldn't figure it out.

You didn't even know that until

"Your right"

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now