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I-I lo-love y-you t-too ba-baby" I said with low and rasphy voice. I hear what my boyfriend said earlier.

He stare at me wide eyes and started to tear up. Oh no my baby is crying noooooo i gesture him to hug me which he hugged me quickly.

I quickly smile and started to tear up that I thought im gonna die in that damn nomu. Katsuki started to cry harder. I panic and started to rub his back with circled indicating comfort.

"Hey baby,look at me" i said in rasphy voice. But he didn't look at me just started to cry harder. I continued. " baby, look at me with those pretty eyes."

I cupped his cheeks and turn to look at me. His face looks a mess, black dark eyebags, red nose for crying and red eyes.

Some tear escape in my eyes cause i couldn't hold back anymore that i make this mess because of me. Katsuki wipe the tears in my face and hug me tighter.

He snuggle in my neck and he just sniff a little bit. I keep talking to him.
"Hey baby, you know that i don't want to leave you okay?im here right infront of you please baby don't cry"

I hugged him tighter and feel him nodded in my neck. I sigh completely tired. I hear him mumble in my neck which it tickles me.

"Don't do that again baby" he sat uo and look at me with worried and guilt in his eyes. I weakly smile and nodded. He smile quickly and hugged me tighter.

I hummed while rubbing his back to out him in slumber. After 15 mins i hear some snores. But before he goes in slumber he mumble something in my neck.

"I love you, Y/N" and completely sleep. I gasp and smile sweetly. My heart swelling warmly of how cute and sweet he is saying earlier and how he sleeps right now.

I smile brightly and put my chin in the top of his head. I continued.
"I love you too, katsuki. I will be here forever when you need me baby" i mumble and kiss his forehead.

I feel him smile under my touch which my heart flutter and go in a deep slumber.


I woke up without feeling warm in my body. I sit properly and rub my eyes cutely. I glance at my surroundings but remember when katsuki said something yesterday.

"I love you, Y/N" i smile warmly and feel my heart flutter. I look at my surroundings but no katsuki in my sight. I frown and sigh but when i go to get my phone i see a note beside it.

I snatch it and read carefully;

Hello Baby, if you woke up without me that means im going to buy our food for your fucking stomach. I'll be right back later okay, you know im getting softie right now but im gonna say
I love you baby.

Your king Explosion

I giggle and blushed harder. I sigh and put it in my pocket. Im going back to sleep but interrupted when someone open the door.

I smile widely cause i know it's katsuki. I turn towards the door but widen my eyes and clenched my fist.

"Hello my dear daughter" my father spat at me which i disgusted. I smile evilly. "Oh hello father, what are you gonna do to me. kick me, punch me, punish me with your fucking weapon.
Im telling you if you step closer in gonna fucking call the nurses that im uncomfortable to you!"

He frown and glare at me. "Well my dear daughter, im not here for that. Im here to say that your weaker than your pathetic mother. You got injured badly with a bunch of bug nomus?, How pathetic!".

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now