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i woke up feeling my body sore so much. I try to move but my whole body is aching so much while my head is pounding so much.

I try to speak properly but my voice is itching like i need to drink something.
I move a little but gasp when i feel something at my hand.

I look at it and yeah it's my blasty. His hand is holding my other hand tightly while snoring loud with a messy hair.

I chuckled at the sight and admire his face for a while.

Someone chuckled and said.
"Take a pic, it will last longer" Someone said with a low and rasphy voice.

I blink and smile at my boyfriend but quickly cough. He ran beside me and pat my back while holding a glass of water for me to drink.

"Thank you babe." I said between my cough while he just rolls his eyes and genuinely smile at me.

I stare at him with confusion of why is he smiling about. I look around the room because we were in the recovery room.

I see in the TV the replay of the exam which it makes me blush, blush of embarrass. Katsuki quickly hug me and said.

"Why am i so lucky to have you?, yoir sweet, strong, sexy and even beautiful as fuck." He said to me staring at my eyes.

I blush harder and look away from him so he won't see my face red like tomato. He just chuckled and laugh at me even more which im lucky that im the only one can hear his laugh and no one else.


"Y/N, just tell us what you do to the camp okay😭" mina said while trying not to cry. I just roll my eyes and sigh.

"Bakubro, tell us what the taste of curry okay😭😭😭" kirishima and kaminari crying so loud. Katsuki is very annoyed of them.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP EXTRAS THATS2 YOUR FUCKING FAULT IDIOTS!" Katsuki yell at them while sitting beside me and caressing my hand.

Until uncle zawa arrive,
"So many of you survive the exams except Ashido, kirishima, kaminari, and sero." Uncle zawa said while glaring at the four.
(Is this the only not survive i dunno just chat here if i forget someone)

The four reactions:😢😭

Uncle zawa roll his eyes and continued.
"But you will be coming too" he said in a bored tone. The 4 look at each other then us then jumping in the joy.

"WOOHOO!!" They yell so much while punching in the air because they coming.

"But, you will have classes at the third day of the camp" uncle zawa grinned widely while chuckling evilly at them.

They all stop cheering and groan loudly. Me and kastuki smirk at each other while trying not to chuckled at their behavior.


me and katsuki walk next to each other while holding hands. While the bakusquad is in our front chatting happily.

I notice katsuki's hand is sweating so much because i know that this is his quirk. Producing nitroglycerin in his hands. The more the sweat, the big the blast.

"Babe, your hands is sweaty" I said while putting my hands in my pants to wipe the sweats the he transfer to me.

"O-oh o-okay" he said stuttering while slowly stop holding my hands and put it in his own pockets.

I glare at him and snatched his hands to hold his hands to me. He look at me dumbfounded because i said that his hands is sweaty but i just hold his hands.

"You said my hands is sweaty?" He asked me dumbfounded with curiosity in his hands. I chuckled at his cuteness overload.

"I know it's sweaty but I want to hold your hand" i said while grinning goofy at him.

Fuck he said while trying not to smile at your face. He just hold my hand and look around if someone is near us. The coast is clear so he do is kiss my forehead quickly and smirk while walking hand to hand with me.

I blush and grin while happily walk to him.

But didn't even know that this camp is going wrong and someone you love will disappear.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now