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Many of them gasp because we will encounter a real and dangerous villain.

The class shaken in fear and some hugging each other.

i get my bow and arrow that is in my costume.

"Y/N what are you doing with that weapon?" four eyes quickly scolded me.  i have enough of him.


i point my bow with arrow to the leader or should i call shigaraki.

"OI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"  Bakugou yell. I huffed and turn around to face them all.

"I need to bleed their leader so he can't move faster.." i said while serious in my face.


This is my  2nd time gonna be witness Y/N in battling. I witness her last time fighting some bullies.

She is so serious right now and her eyes are sharper than earlier. She's taking this more seriously.

I hear my class mumble..

"She's so serious"

"She's very protective"

'"She even not yell lida only"

"SHUT THE HELL UP EXTRAS AND WATCH HER!" i growled loudly with dark aura surrounded me.

They all nodded and watch Y/N in action. I didn't witness her having a weapon.

She stood up straight while she hold closely the bow in her one eyes. She stretch it so the string will reach her ear. She put her quirk on the bow.

the bow light some blue, red, brown and white. And that is because its elements.

And she let go.

We all watched carefully. And the arrow hit his stomach exactly in the middle.

The leader cough a blood and stumble slowly.

While the warp gate talking to him and defend him. The leader turn to Y/N and smirk.

"Good job Y/N, now stay back and evacuate. Y/N you will coming to me and thirteen protect the students!" sensei loudly said to us.

Before I could talk to her. A purple warp portal appear to us.

"We are the league of villains. Were here for All might" the purple bastard fucking said.

Me and shitty hair jump forward trying to kill that bastard but it no use. But its too late. The bastard scattered all of us in different zones. While im stuck here in shitty hair.

"I hope you become safe Y/N"


Im fighting with uncle zawa until the their leader say something.

"Nomu now" he said in a venom tone.

Me and uncle quickly look what's nomu is. But the huge monster with brain sticking out is coming for us.

Before i could react. Uncle throw me away from him so the monster held him and not me.

Their leader announce to break my uncle bones. Before they can do it i yell to them with all i can.

" DON'T DO THAT!" I yell but its to late.

The nomu break the elbows of my uncle while my uncle is crying from the pain.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now