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after our date yesterday, i can't stop thinking of what he told me. I can't stop to be blushed and become more softy towards him.

Speaking of katsuki, were walking to go to UA and still holding hands. to show even more that the boys don't stand chance against me.

Before our date, me and him our not affectionate towards each other so the boys always flirting with me.
Im popular when it comes to boys and girls. They admire me for being independent, beautiful and strong quirk.

We are walking still holding hands because i remember when katsuki said to me that "to know that you are mine and only mine, and if they flirt or hurt with you im gonna roast there ass out in this damn planet"

I look at him and smile while he look at me then smirk while we listening to the song names "heart stereo"

When we step inside the gates. I can't help to become uncomfortable. Because what I've seen right now is all of the boys is now stop what are they doing and just glare at katsuki's direction which my boyfriend just smirk.

I just sigh and look at him in annoyance. He look at me and smirk widely while he pulled me closer to him and said loudly.

"Baby your so beautiful, i love you"
He said loudly enough for the anyone to know. I blushed hardly and puff my cheeks while looking away.

He chuckled and hold my hand until we go to our room. I sit properly and glare at him which he just laugh at my face.

The whole class shock of what's happening and stunned for his reaction. I chuckle to them and turn infront until.

"Y/N, Y/N" someone said. I turn quickly and greeted by the sight of shitty hair. He continued.
"Can you teach me how to study for the upcoming exam, so i can attend camp." He yelled loudly and cheered.

I feel a glare at the back of my head, i know it's katsuki but I want to tease him. I stood up and walk infront of kirishima.

I smiled sweetly and kirishima nevermind y face. He just babbling about what to do in the camp. I snap at my thoughts and hug him.

I feel katsuki's eyes become wide and become angry. I feel kirishima tense but i don't mind. I hug him tighter and whisper to his ear.

"Play along" i smile sweetly to him. Kirishima smirk and slowly bit his lips. All of the class widen their eyes at the sight. So i look all of them.

I whisper again. "Play along" i said and nod to them. They all have surprise look to their face except for katsuki that has a confusion on his face.

The whole class just cheered and teasing us. I just smiled and look at katsuki. He look at us with mouth agape, wide eyes, and tears coming from his eyes.

I push kirishima and hug katsuki tighter. And said. "H-hey katsuki,
It's just a joke okay?, baby, i love you not him." I said to still whispering sweet things to him.

Kirishima apologize to him many times, while the whole class visibly gulp and back to their work avoiding katsuki.

Katsuki hug me tighter and put his head on my chest while im playing his hair. He said. "Are you sure,baby?"

He sniff and look at me with those beautiful diamond crimson eyes, while his nose is red. I sigh and smile sweetly while pinching his cheeks.

"Of course baby, i won't cheat on you,
My heart is always yours okay?" While blushing. He nodded his head while looking away to hide the blush on his face.


Now me, kirishima and katsuki is now in cafe. Katsuki and i are teaching kirishima for the upcoming exam that if you fail you will not attend to a stupid camp.

I realize myself that my vulgar and swearing language is now reducing than last year. Because when me and katsuki is together now. My attitude or personality change to kind and softy normal school girl. Katsuki is big help to me cause i know his hothead but i have many learn and love from him.

"SHITTY HAIR, ITS LETTER A IDIOT" katsuki yelled at the cafe while slapping him hard on his head with a book. Kirishima sigh and talking back to him.

I sit there and watching them to shoit each other. I grin to myself while looking at the window beside me.

Something touch my hand. I look at it and of course it my hot-head boyfriend katsuki. He asked.
"Hey, baby are you okay?" While caressing at my hands with his thumbs.

I smile sweetly and nodded my head and said. "Of course baby, hmm, when are you going to introduce your girlfriend to your parents." I said teasingly to him. I expecting him to yell, blushed or even slap my hand but that didn't happen.

I look at him with weird expression.
He looked at me with geniune smile and squeeze my hands tighter. He said. "After the exam, im gonna tell the, so you can eat or sleep at my home." He said softly.

I gasp and peck his cheeks and lean to him then whisper. "Do you want cuddles and kisses later?" I said softly to him.

Now his turn to gasp in excitement and nodded quickly, i just laugh at his childish behavior while him teaching kirishima quickly for his prize.

And now for the exam, i can't wait

Im fucking sorry, cause it's short story. Im busy for the upcoming exam too HAHAHA.
after my exam im gonna upload i think 2-3 chapters.

Thank you for reading it byee.
Don't forget to follow.

Author: bakugou said goodbye to them, you will not see them after 4 days.

Bakugou: wait, what don't fucking leave me idiotsss!!

Author: hmm i guess I'm gonna approve that if we comeback you will cuddle and get more kisses to Y/N.

Bakugou. O-o

Author: what do you say??

Bakugou: fucking fine idiots.*sigh*
Go back to him okay, I-

Author: wha- ohhh! Say it!

Bakugou"I-ilove u dumbasses
*blushing harder*


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