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i pace back and forth in my room thinking the scene yesterday with me and that handy man.

Katsuki is on his home because his mother and father is anniversary right now so i can't meet katsuki right now which is good because i need to investigate the scene yesterday.

I sigh loudly and walk out to my apartment. I get my key, wallet incase of emergency, and some small knives.

I put my helmet on and drive a motorcycle to UA school. I see katsuki's house but I don't stop because i will gonna disturb them.

I see the bakugou's family hop on a car while me and katsuki make an eyecontact but he see me in a poker face with a serious expression.

I didn't care because this is his safety. I didn't care about myself because i will sacrifice myself from my love one's and that is katsuki.


Me and my old hag with my old man is going to the restaurant for their anniversary. I just want to cuddle session with my girlfriend.

Buy yeah the two wants me here so i can't resist them. When were going to the car, we see Y/N in her motorcycle with a fast speed. We make eye contact but i notice that she's serious.

I didn't even know what to do. I think because i leave her or yesterday isn't it. I don't fucking know. Im gonna find out if this day will finish cause im gonna ask her.


I go to principal's nezu's office and shut the door with a loud thud. Uncle nezu immediately startled by going in his office in this day.

"So niece,what do you want from me now?, do you want some tea. Come on sit down and talk to me." Uncle nezu said while smiling at me. I nodded and sit down while panting.

"Call uncle zawa, might, mic and aunty midnight NOW!" I yell to him while panting. He startled again and trying to calm me down.

"Easy there my niece, don't call them, there busy in something, what is it?" He ask me while taking a sip of his tea. I slam my hand in his deck and shout.


uncle nezu gulp amd nodded before taking his call. After 10 minutes my uncle's and aunty is here right infront of me with an annoyed expression.

"Niece, if this is not important, we wi-" he stop when i interrupt it. I stood up from my seat and said while panting.

"It's about the handy man who talk in midoriya yesterday at the mall" i said while glaring at them all. Uncle zawa raise his eyebrow in confusion telling me to continue.

"It's not only midoriya he talked, he talk to me too" I said lowering my voice. They all stared at me wide eyes and sat down to listen.

I tell them everything that is bothering to me. I tell them that they want me and katsuki for their team.

"We need to protect these two" uncle might said while looking at the rest.
I clenched my fist trying to figure ut out what is he mean about me and my katsuki.

"It's impossible to kidnap you two because the security of school is full of security. My niece don't be panic we'll handle this." Uncle nezu said to me with concern because he know that if it's bothering me something, i can't stop investigating or I mean im gonna go in a mission with hawks like in the past.

"Yeah, thanks uncle, please protect katsuki and his family. I don't want to worry them even katsuki, i don't want to worry him from me." I said in a serious tone which they understands because they know that im talking about my lovable boyfriend.

"We'll do anything for you my little gem." Aunty midnight said in sweet tone. While uncle zawa and Mic nodded agreeing to her.

I just nod and walk out then close the door ready to go home.


The pro heroes in the office is silent because this is matter. Their little gem is in danger with her boyfriend. They didn't know what to do but they will keep you two safe.

The room is in thick silence. All might look at nezu and said with a low tone

"We need a plan gather the heroes"

Nezu nodded in a serious mode while calling something. They know that her father will don't care about her so they didn't call him.

Midnight is fidling with her yamds because the time has come. The time has come that the villains wants Y/N's quirk because it's very strong like allmight.

Eraser head stood up and walk out to the door while thinking.

"Were gonna take care of you
Little gem"


"Okay so ready your things. Make sure it's complete because the camp will be training not playing understood." Uncle zawa said in a bored tone.

"Yes sensei!" We all yell and gather the things that is important. This day is our camping day. I try to forget what shigaraki said but it can't take off my mind. I feel like there will something happen but i don't know.

Someone snakes an arm on my waist and pecking my neck which it's smirk me. Cause i know who this is.

"Baby, let's go" katsuki said while trying to kiss me but no avail. I giggle and turn to look at him with a goofey smile which made him blush.

"Im finish suki~" i sang to him then giggle because i gave him a nickname.
He stop and looked to me with a dark crimson on his cheeks up to his ears.

"S-Suki?!" He yell to me which it darken his cheeks even more. I pretend to become innocent and tilt my head.

"Yeah wiki, that's my nickname don't you like it?" I said in confuse tone which i gladly did. He just stood there shock and point his shaking arms to me and said.

"Y-you b-baka , Y-you know w-what i m-mean!!" He yell to me while blushing from embarassment. I just giggle and he continued.

"Ofcourse i love it, it comes to you" he said in a whisper tone which i hesr clearly. And tease him again
"Sure suki~" i sang while skipping happily.

"Hop on the bus!!" Lida said while chopping his hands like a robot. But I didn't listen to him, i just hop on like no one care.

Katsuki at the back is laughing his ass because i just didn't listen to him.
Lida just sigh in annoyance and stomping on the bus.

I lay my head on katsuki's shoulder trying to sleep.

When you thought is the camp is peaceful your wrong.


WHAHAHAHA just kidding. Just im gonna make a next chapter just you all wait. Make sure that when you read my chapters, put some likes pleaseeeee~.

Ya know this is my 1st time to make a story which i gladly make you happy in a romance of this fan fiction.

Thank you all :)

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