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We arrived at our internship with icy hot. I mean in Endeavor's internship building. I huff loudly slightly nervous in the insides. But when i turn to look at icy hot.

His scared with hatred. His face with scowl, slightly sweating, fist clenched tightly, narrowed eyes in the building.

I widen my eyes cause because i know he hates his old man. But interrupted my thoughts when he speak."let's go Y/N" while not looking at me and walking straightly.

I sigh and nodded while trying to keep up with his pace. We keep walking until icy hot immedieatly stop making me crash with his back.

I growl loudly but he speak."were here" he said in a low voice. I raise my eyebrow in confusion but when i look at my front i gasp and visibly gulp.

Were in front of his office. Office pf the number 2 hero. I nodded and straighten my posture to keep a good look.

Icy hot knock 3 times. And there was a low and intimidating voice at the back of the door. "Come in!"

My hands keep sweating so i keep wiping it in my pants while adjusting my hold in my costumes briefcase.

Icy hot open the door and enter followed by me. We stood infront of the big, muscular,tall,scary man infront of us with intimadating aura surrounds him.

"SHOTOO!!, you chose your own path!" While chuckling and glaring at him. I just stood there not knowing what to do. So i decided to keep quiet.

"Shut up old man, i just intern here to improve my fire quirk!"icy hot raise his voice slightly to him. But endeavor keep standing and glaring at him.

He turn towards me and gasp loudly while smirking. "And you i choose to intern you Y/N L/N." He said laughing quietly.

"But why me sir?" I said innocently but glaring at him. I know because my old man and him are friends. And i know that he chooses me because my dad requested it.

"Because your strong component, fast in combat, dodging skills, weapons skill but didn't know how to hold a gun. Your quirk is powerful, i can teach you some moves in fire quirk of yours." While crossing his arms and glaring at me.

I didn't even bother to reply to him so instead i just glare at him even more. He stood up and said." Wear your costumes and we will going to patrol in Hosu City" while walking away to us.

I sigh and look at icy hot who has bored expression on his face. We nodded to each other and go to the bathrooms to change into our costumes.


I look at my costume and stand straight comfortably. And smirk to myself. But my phone announce a


someone message me and i know it's katsuki so i quickly read it that it makes me laugh uncontrollably.

someone message me and i know it's katsuki so i quickly read it that it makes me laugh uncontrollably

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