44 Pro hero adult

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The two hearts who destiny to each other is now succesful in their lives. The boy one, who has a blonde and red eyes are now the famous hot man and the number 2 hero of japan.

His appearance are now more musculine, taller and now powerful. Many girls swooning at trying to get his attention but he just glaring or saying "fuck off" to them. His hero name is call ground zero and very known hero when it comes to the man.

Mean while, the girl who has fierce and beautiful face is now successful too. She is the top hottest woman in the world. She's rich when it comes to houses and her vehicles. She is completely good and mastered all of the combats skills, strategies, playing instruments, singer, well model and the top 2 hero of the USA, known as
"Witch goddess"

Her squad called "Baby Squad" is now well know my many countries. They are know for being competitive, they always win when ut comes to fighting. Their skills are strong and compatible to each other. They know many signs when it comes to the battle field.

Shrindo, the tired man in their group. His quirk is playing instruments. This attack will make the enemies to become tired, weak, and even paralization.

Aiko, the bubbly woman in the group. Her quirk is producing so many weapons while she master this all while fighting the enemy easily without hesitation.

Cherry, the nerd in the group. Her quirk helps her to strategize on how to attack,to protect and to save something or someone. So if the group needs some strategy to work this some kind of mission, just call her.

James, the flirty in the group. He may be flirt a lot, but don't underestimate him. He can transform in different animals and this is likely help to the group.

Brandon, the big brother of the group.
He acts a big brother to them. Whenever they have a fight, he will stop the fight and try to make them appologize. His quirk is thunder, which it creates from the sky. It can electrocute the enemies and make them fall asleep, he mastered how to take enemy down so quickly.

And last but not the least,
Witch Goddess or in short Y/N L/N.
this is the leader of the baby squad. She knows everything on what they do and not, their weakness and everything about them. She teached them how to combat, hold a weapon, ise their quirks and to strategize. The squad tactics is their own language. So the enemies will not even now what is it.


"Ground zero!!" So many fucking fans shouting my hero name which i fakely smile and wave at them. They a squeal so loudly while the others gettibg faint.





Many reporters trying to shove their mics to me which i ignored and go straightly to my car amd drove off and going on our agency.


"Bakubro! Your back!" Kirishima yell while putting his hands to my shoulder which i didn't mind him.
Me , kaminari and sero are all giving some thumbs up while they laugh.

"Suki!" Elena said while pinching my cheeks. I chuckled and rustling her hair while she just pout. Mina hug me while i just hug her back.

"Your so popular!!" They all yell together. Elena just pout and trying to copy Y/N. I glare at her which ut made her stop and smile nervously at me.

The class 1-A is hating elena when she just tease Y/N's appearance and personality. Mina glare at her while she glare back.

"Of course im fucking popular!" I yell with a proud look on my face while im smirking. They all roll their eyes and glare to Elena which I pursue my lips and sigh.

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