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Me and katsuki is laying on his room like always. Mitsuki always welcoming me here in their house because she said like;

"Anytime future wife of my son"

me and katsuki will always hangout on his room. Like cuddling, gaming, laughing and totally making out.

We and him is virgin, you know what i mean guys. But he said always like.
"We don't need to rush baby" but im happy like that.

Anyways back to the topic. Me and katsuki is now cuddling on his bed.
Him going on facebook while i just snuggle my head to his neck.

Until someone knock on our door or in short, someone disturbing us in our cuddling session.

"Ugh!, who the fuck is that?!" Katsuki said while holding me tighter and loom towards the door in a annoyed look.

"Oh!, bakugou is Y/N there?" Mina ask excitedly which annoyed katsuki even more. I sigh and sit up properly while katsuki is whining because of lost of my touch.

"Im here!, what the fuck do you want pinky pie?!" I said in a loud annoyed tone. She just chuckles while denki interrupt it.

"Were going to the mall for buying some supplies for the camp, you coming bestie??" He said excitedly and hear some jumping outside the door.

I sigh and try to think while katsuki is more annoyed now. He grumble and yell.
"Were not fucking Go-" he stop when i
Interrupted and said.

"Of course we're coming asshats!" I said excitedly. The whole bakusquad outside is cheered happily while katsuki just groan.

I stand up happily ready to go to my room. Katsuki hold my hand and snuggle at my neck. I stood there annoyed.

"Katsuki!,we need to ready for the mall." I said in a annoyed tone and trying to get off to him. He sigh and let go of me.

While im preparing to his clothes, I just hear him sulking and pouting in the bed like a child. He just trying to convince me but no use.

"I hate you" he said while grumbling and crossing his hands then pout again.

"Y/N, doesn't love me anymore hmph!" He said while grumbling and looking away from me.

I stop and chuckled at his cuteness but trying not to give him attention.
He look to me, trying to me to notice h im but no avail.

He look away again and trying to speak louder. "I hate you" he said and turn his back on the other bed still sulking.

I sigh and give up. I stood up and walk over to him and hug him from behind and said. "Baby?" I ask and hugging him tighter.

He just "hmph" and sulking like a child. I sigh even more and stood up then walk infront of him.

I sit to his lap and put my arms to his neck cuddling him. He look on the other way still sulking. I chuckled even more and hug him tighter.

"Baby, I love you" i said in a sweet tone while i put my other hand on his cheeks caressing it. He "hmph" again but this time i have an idea.

I put my lips beside his ear which i feel him stiff under my touch and i just chuckled at my thoughts. I lean and whisper seductively.
"Baby, i love you very much~"

While i laugh harder and fall to my butt. He just sat there angrily looking at me. When he realized that i laughed harder, he just join as well.

He carry me to his arms and quickly kiss my nose and whisper.
"I love you too~" he said while kissing me quickly on my lips which i just giggle happily.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now