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"FUCK!" I yell to them because they tying my hands to tight and it's fucking hurt.

"Don't be such an ass and shut your mouth before i burn your girlfriend here" the burn mark asshole said while just growl in response and trying to break free.

"Nah nah, that is to prevent you two using your quirks" the handy man said while grinning widely. I stiff a little and look at my girlfriend.

She sat at the floor while her hands tied tightly. Some blood and bruises on her body. I growl in anger. They di this to her before we captured, Damn villains,i can't wait to kill them and wait for the heroes arrives.

I look at here with soft eyes. She's knocked out because of the burn mark asshole. I swear to myself that if Something happen to my princess, im not gonna fucking forgive them..

She stirred in her sleep and blinking rapidly,i guess so she can clear her vision.

"Y/N! Look at me!" I yell to her to tell her that if she's okay or something aching to her body.


I blink rapidly because my vision is blur a little. When i finally recover, i remember that me and katsuki is captured by them so i quickly look around.

"Y/N!" someone said and i freeze because it's a low and rasphy voice. I look at my right amd saw katsuki, chain up.

He look at me with soft smile and soft eyes which made my eyes getting teary because of this.

"Y/N, trust me okay? We can do this, im not gonna let it happen to you okay? They will not touch you" he said softly and gaze at me.

I smile and nodded while some small tears droplets fall into my eyes which he panic and whispering some sweet things to me.

"Baby, we will be okay" he said while grinning to me widely trying to reassured me that everything will be fine.

"I love you okay?" He said in a sweet tone while i nodded and saying back but interrupted of some villains.

"Oooh~ your awake Y/N-Chan~" the blonde bitch yell happily while putting her hands in my face which it's disgusted me, while katsuki snarl and said.

"Stay the fuck away from here, blonde bitch!" He yell and trying to break free from the chain but no avail.

"Katsuki Bakugou,i want you to join on our team to defeat All might. With you by our side, we will be getting the victory!" Shigaraki said while scratching the back of his neck which made me shudder.

"HA! As if im gonna join the wannabe villains! I want to be a hero not a villain bastards!" He said while glring at them.

They all look towards me. While shigaraki continued.
"You Y/N L/N, your one powerful for my team. We will be indestructible if you join cause master wants you too."
He said while grinning evilly to me.

"Haa! Like my katsuki said! I don't want to join the wannabe villains, idiots!"i said while snarling. They all stare at me and katsuki dumbfounded.

That dabi come and put his hands to my cheeks, which i look away. Katsuki is glaring at him and shouting.
"Don't fucking touch her burn mark bastard!" He said and trying to get free, but no use again.

Dabi smirk and said to me.
"Your feisty~ and i gladly to burn and torture you if you don't shut your big little mouth of yours.

I glare at him in my eyes and said.
"Fuck You!" I said with confidence while katsuki is watching us in amusement.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now