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I stood there not knowing what to do. The girls panicking even more to pick what dress should i wear. I sigh and pinch the bridge in my nose.

"AHA!" Mina yelled loudly. The girls look at her including me. She pulled out a skin-tight red dress that above my knee. With crimson heels, and some red lipstick with white earrings.
(Just pretend that the heels is crimson red:))))

I look up to the girls while their mouth hanging open and widen eyes

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I look up to the girls while their mouth hanging open and widen eyes.
I stood there shock not knowing what to do. I know it's ugly to me to wear a goddamn dress cause i don't want to wear them.


"You look nice"

"Sexy asf"


Go gurl!"

They all shouting at me with encouraging words. I smile brightly and nodded. I look at the mirror but damn im looking hot.

I twirl around slowly, and wink at the mirror which the girls squeal loudly.
I grab my crimson purse and headed downstairs.

Someone doorbell in my house and i know it's katsuki. I giggle at my self and nervous cause he will see me wearing a dress first time.

I visibly gulp and open the door wide which causes me to blushed more.
Katsuki is wearing a necktie and it's very attractive to him. He looks hotter when he wear formal clothes.

Katsuki stood there shock cause he didn't even see me wearing other girly clothes except for a damn uniform.

I smile brightly and katsuki smirk to me. I notice that he is hiding something. Im gonna tell him what is it but look away and give me something.

I look at my arms surprise. It's a bouquet of roses. My favorite flower. I notice his ears is now getting crimson.
I chuckle at the sight and blushed even more.

My hearts pounding so much that i thought he can hear my heartbeat. My heart flutter at his softie gestured to me that i can't take it.

I clutch the roses in my chest tightly and smell them. The roses smells good it's reminding me of his diamond crimson eyes that i get lost everyday.

"D-do Y-you l-like it?" Katsuki ask to me and staring at me in the eyes with confusion and stern. I blush and smile brightly that causes him to blushed even more.

To answer his question, i peck him to his lips and hug him tighter mumbling." I love it, thank you baby"

I feel him kiss my forehead forgetting about the girls and the boys. We stood there shock and embarrassed but i smirk slightly while our friends laughing at our blushed in our face.

Katsuki pull me close to his chest and drag me away from them while my smile never flattered and stays in my face. He continued.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now