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Now we are all 3rd years. Elena is trying to get me but i just shrug and glare at her to back off. Many girls trying to flirt with me but i just ignoring them.

My hero name is ground zero.(can we pretend that this is his hero name. The hero dyamight is ugly for me. But if any of you loves that hero name, just pretend it. Please respect my opinion thank you!")

Many girls throwinh their arms to me and yelling. "Ground zero!" Shit like that. It's been 2 years and a half is my girlfriend death.

I miss her but the thing is done and i couldn't do anything.the thing is to look at the sky and pray her everyday.

I am in patrol today with best jeanist. And this month, I will become a true hero and not a fucking sidekick.

"Thank you ground zero for accompanying me" best jeanist said while smiling at me. I just shrug and walk away from him.

"Bro!" Someone yell at the distance which i look at it. The bakusquad.
Kirishima and denki throwing their arms to me which i pretended that i didn't like it.

"Oi idiots get away from me!!" I said lowly while they all nodded. Sero and mina wave their hands to me which i just nodded.

"Suki!!!" Elena yell to me and hug me tighter. I scoff in annoyance and push her off to me.

"Oi dont hug me too much dumbass!" I yell. She just chuckled and hit my arm playfully, while i chuckled.
Wait I chuckled to her??

The bakusquad stare at us before shouting. "I SHIP IT!!" they all yell while im chasing them while they all laughing.

Fuck i love this squad.


Were now 3rd years. While the baby squad is smiling at the cameras while idiots while I just glare at it. We have a new two members. Cherry and Brandon.

"SAY CHEESE!!" they all yell while i laugh at their stupidity. Today is our graduation being a hero. And we decide that we Will have our own agency. But one agency is for the whole bakusquad.

"Y/N, just smile, you look grumpy!" Aiko yell and throw their hands to me. I roll playfully my eyes and we all look at the camera man.

"Smile Future Heroes!" The camera men while we all yell.
"SMILE!" They all grin widely while i just glare at the camera with a bad finger on it.

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We all laugh while jumping up and down. I just stood there smirking at their stupidity. My dad is dead when im 2nd year here because of the sickness so his money will be going to me.

I work hard to the cafe when im 2nd year until now so i have a new and cool house with so many vehicles.

They all so happy while i just smile at my thoughts and look at the sky while thinking.

I earn my position mom. I graduate already and becoming pro hero.

i think while looling at the sky while silent tears falling into my eyes. I didn't even notice that the squad is looking at me.

They all knew my true stories about me being here and my scar on my right eyes. Shrindo out his arms around me while they said.

"Hey don't cry, were already graduate idiot!" They all said together. I laugh because that's the way when their sad, i said them always that lines to them.

When i laugh, they all laugh while hugging each others and shout.

"BABY SQUAD HERE YOU GO!" We all say then we laugh harder because were so happy.

Mean while to the japan.
The whole class 3-A plus elena is celebrating their graduation. They all hug together and look at the sky before shouting.

"THIS IS FOR YOU Y/N-CHAN!" They all said while tears is falling for their eyes and laughing happily. Bakugou smirk at the thoughts of her girlfriend smiling at him.

But he refuse to give in because he knows that she is alive. They didn't see her body so he knows that she is alive.

"Dumbass, wherever you are, h-here I a-am in this fucking s-suit" he mumble quietly while tears falling to his eyes. But someone has ears on what he said.


Elena make her hands into fist and shaking angrily before muttering.
"Y/N again! Dammit!" She whisper and look at katsuki, because she will do anything to become him called her mine.

The heterochromia is watching not far away from them. He seen everything until elena mutter which got him frown eppear in his face.

He knows that Y/N is alive. Aizawa sensei said him a picture of Y/N'S graduation in USA with her new called friends.

He smile at his thoughts because they are not the only who will become a hero. She will too.

"Todoroki, your happy?" His girlfriend ask him with a hapoy expression on her face. Momo

"Of course Momo!" Todoroki said in a happy tone which her girlfriend flustered at his laugh.

The whole dekusquad is now cheering happily but deku couldn't help to become suspicious to todoroki. Earlier his face is blunt and stoic but right now his now happy.

"Hmm?" Deku said while looking at todoroki. Ochako hug him and he hug her back and trying to forget his suspicious.

Y/N Knows about knowing her secrets about todoroki. And she is okay about that.

Mean while:

"Hmm" the black figured said while smoking his cigarette in his hands.
His plan is now working ever since when Y/N is 1st year.

He crushed the Y/N's picture in his hands while shaking in anger.
"Your gonna regret it. YOUR GONNA FUCKING REGRET IT Y/N L/N!!" the black figure said.

He stood up and throw the picture on the floor. While it crumbles.
"Sir i guess are plan is now working.
Sir. Fearless" the black suit man said while chuckling.

He chuckled and grinned evilly before laughing evilly while clutching his stomach and yell.

Y/N L/N!!" he said while smoking his cigarette before calming down and stare at the ceiling with a smirk on his face.

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