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For this past few days i've been training nonstop including my father.

My father is training me for his own reputation. So that L/N Family are all strong and mighty.

"push harder brat!" my old man spoke while growling. My dad came here in japan to train me for this festival.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, IM TRYING!" I yell to him while aiming a ball of fire mixture of water.

He dodge it. But his fist came contact in my stomach. he lift me like a ragdoll and slam me in the floor. The wind knock over me but i don't give up that easily.

I produce a big chunk of earth using my feet and throw at him. I keep producing my 4 elements so they get stronger and better.


My form is sweaty, bruises and blood everywhere.

I feel my anger rise up....

I still thinking about what he did to my mother. He enjoyed her death.

He keeps using me for his reputation. What an asshole.

While thinking all of that. My fire burst out.

Not red but its blue right now. The hottest color when it comes to fire. my other quirk burst out. The air.

My air started to become big and coldy tornado.

my other quirk water turn into big dark blue tsunami at my back. And my earth quirk starting to form in my body like an armor or like kirishima hardening.

My dad stare at it wide eyes and smirk completely while im fuming in anger to him

"THAT'S RIGHT, YOU WILL DEFINITELY WILL DEFEAT ALL MIGHT HAHAHA!" My dad yell while grinning wide to wide.

i don't listen to him any more so i blast all of my quirk to him that i know it will cause me to become tired.

But i see my dad there clutching is stomach and smile widely to me.

"BEAT THE SYMBOL OF PIECE Y/N, YOUR THE ONLY ONE HOPE FOR THIS!" He laugh while he walks to me and patted my back harshly.

I frown and turn around but slightly amazed in my quirk.

"I can do that?" I ask myself on my thoughts.


"Class dismiss...." uncle said and leave while were packing up our staff to leave.

Until uraraka open up the door but greeted by so many students in our front door checking us.

But I know what is this all about.

"Umm guys what are you all doing infront of our door?" Uraraka said in confuse tone

"Why are you blocking the doorrr?!?! Are you trying to kidnapped us?!?!"
Mineta yell with a scared look.

And i see bakugou stand up and started walking to the door.

"Its obvious that they are scouting the competition. We are the students who survive the encounter of real villains. They scouting the competition for the sport festival. So now MOVE!" He yell with frown on his face while glaring to them.

The middle one with purple hair with eyebags under his eyes step forward.

"Is he uncle zawa secret child, They look alike" my thoughts said.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now