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"Hey baby" he ask while walking and holding hands with me. I notice that his hands are more sweating than last time and i know his nervous.

I visibly gulp cause this is my 1st time getting nervous to him when his telling me something important.

"Y-yeah" I said softly with nervously. His breathing getting ragged for nervousness. He dragged me in a empty hallway.

"L-look I'm g-gonna say s-something"he said while scratching the back of his neck and looking away to me. My heart drop cause i know what is he gonna say.

He will gonna break up to me.

After 4 months of being together. He will gonna break up with me. Fuck
I gulp not wanting to cry infront of him.

I chuckled amd look at the floor. And he continued. " look i- i-" he stopped and breathe heavily. And continued. " I-im g-gonna-" before he can finish i drop his hands that grasping my hands.

"Your gonna break up with me" I whisper under my breathe enough for him to hear. He widen his eyes and started to talk but i interrupted again.

"If your gonna break up to me then why" i look up to him while tears rolling down on my cheeks. Still questioning my thoughts.

Am i good enough?

Am I bad person?

Am i not beautiful?

Is he not inlove to me?

I saw the panic in his eyes and struggling to find a word to answer me. He put his hands on my face wiping the tears that still rolling on it.

"H-hey baby, im not going to break up with you" he say softly which made my heart turn into normal state and my tears are no longer flowing.

He chuckled and sigh. "Baby, listen i know what your thinking okay? Your good enough to me, your beautiful than any women that I know, your sexy as fuck and even strong women with a feisty personality. Like a lion in the others but softie to me." He said softly while hugging me.

I blush harder and continue to hug him while he chuckled at my sight. He continued. " i love you will all my heart. I didn't love you for a looks and body. I loved you for who you are and your personality." He said while hugging me tighter.

His comforting words is calming me down and inhaling his sweet scent. He look to me and smirk. " I love you" while kissing my whole face.

I giggle and he stop. We gaze at each other's eyes and kiss him with love and compassionately. He kissed me back until he stop and becoming nervous again.

"Im gonna say baby,that I'm gonna take you to a date after class before the incoming exam." He said while tucking my hair behind my ear.

I smile widely and jumped in joy while giggling at myself. I nodded to him while doing it again and again. He laugh at my stupidness and brought me into a hug softly.

"Be ready at 7 pm, dress nicely" he said while pecking my lips, nose then forehead. I nodded and smile sweetly to him. He can become softie and tsundere to me when we were alone together. But when it comes to other people he acts a tough and big mighty guy. And i love it.

We walk hand in hand while going to the classroom. The bakusquad asked us where we went and i tell to them about our 1st date.

The girls squeal while talking how to makeover to me which i approve because i want them to help me dressed. While the boys giving him a thumbs up while talking about how to dressed him nicely.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now