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After that incident. So i didn't now blame myself for what's happening but i feel guilty for what's happening. And i can't forgive myself for that.

I can't help to think about what happen to me and bakugou. When were talking to outside. I can't help to know what's this my feeling inside me. Feel embarrassed and soft around him.

I walk slowly while listening to my music. Until some people hold my right hand. i look at it, a damn reporters.

"How do you feel when all might is a

"Is he muscular?"

"It is excited to meet him"

I got irritated so i push all of them cause i am not in the mood today.

"Excuse me i have some work to do and im gonna late. So im gonna go now.." i mumble calmly.

They touch me again and asking so many damn question. And i have enough of them. I have so many thoughts that I can't think well.


But someone grab my hand leading to the UA's Gate. But when i look at it. Its bakugou.

But when i look at him i feel heat in my cheeks while holding his hands.

Were still walking but i can't help to blush even more like were fucking couple. So i just cough.

He look at me while raising his one eyebrow still curious. I look at our hands then blush and look away not wanting him to see my reddening cheeks.

When he look at it. He realize what he's doing to me so he let go quickly and shove it in his own pockets while looking away. But i see his ears getting red.

"Cute "my thoughts said.


im blushing. Ever since we talk outside. Laughing and talking i can't help to look away so she wouldn't fucking see my face.

She look at me then laugh.

"Wtf would she laugh" my thoughts said.

"WTF are you laughing at huh?!" I said keeping up my cool.

"Your cute while your embarrassed~" she said teasingly to me while chuckling. I couldn't help to blush harder. Her chuckling is cute while smiling.

I cover it up my smirk.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY!" I yell loudly sto her while blushing and she run away while laughing. "What the fuck is this feeling? Im feeling this around her?"

"But she's cute"


I just laugh loudly while he stomp towards me while his face getting reddening. I think its because his angry. I can't help to notice this side of me. Im being softy around him. My feeling getting laughter any minute because of him.

He grab my collar and put his face closer to me. While his breath side of my neck. I can't help to be flustered by his act. I could feel his dark smirk.

So i just touch his hair and play with it.

he let go of my collar and embarrass quickly while reddening his cheeks again. "Cute tsundere boy" my thoughts said

"Sit down..." uncle zawa said. We hurriedly sit down and listen to him. I can't shake this feeling that someone glaring at my back but i shrug it off.

Uncle zawa is wrap in bandages like a mummy. So many of them ask uncle if he's okay.

"Are you okay sensei"

"He's really a pro"

"He's strong"

I can't help to be irritated of their voices. So i snap them all and glare all of them except to pomeranian and icy hot.

"Shut the fuck up and listen to uncle. I m sure he's about to tell somethingbut your excited ass interrupt it!!" I yell While scoffing and sit down.

All of them silence and zip their mouth cause im fucking right while i turn to bakugou. And i see his smirk to me and wink. I just shock by his actions. But i play with him.

I lick my lips amd bite my bottom lip while winking at him.

He seems so shocked by my sudden answer. I can see his red tinting in his cheeks so he look away.

"Listen up, were having a sports festival. Every year sport festival show this in japan and biggest events for heroes." He mumble loudly. While the whole class erupted in cheers and excitement including me.

But stop when jirou spoke..

"are you sure that this is okay for event after the incident of villains.." she said while the others nodded to her but i just roll my eyes to them.

"We will double the securities. So no villains Will gonna mess this upcoming event."
Sensei answer

"you will have your sports festival after 2 weeks so be prepared, class
Dismiss." He mumble while walking out the door.

The class erupted to cheers again. And someone sling their shoulder to mine and i look at it and its kirishima.

"You ready for this festival huh Y/N" he said while smiling showing his sharp teeth.

"W-what" i said shyly cause he use my first name. He realized it and cover his mouth while the other hand is scratching at the back of his neck.

"O-oh i thought were friends. So i call of them their first name" he spoke shyly and blushing from embarrasing said.

"Fucking okay. Call me Y/N" i said while rolling my eyes and smirk to him. While he yelled in happiness.

I feel some red orbs looking at my back. While talking to kirishima.


I don't know what i feel right now. Cause his talking to Y/N right now. While she's laughing and smiling sweetly to him like she's out of her character right now.

I feel like jealousy i don't know what is this. But my heart is aching for a reason so i decided to take a action.

"Oi Shitty hair what the fuck are you doing" i walk to them while holding his collar and heading to the cafeteria.

"He-hey dude I-im talking to Y-Y/n" he said nervously. What their in the first name basis bullshit.

Dunce face shout"He's just JELLYYY" while racoon eyes and tape dispenser are laughing cause of my heating cheeks.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP EXTRAS" to cover my fucking mistakes while Y/N watching us while she smirk at me and wink so my heating cheeks grow wider.

Yeah im fucking jealous

You shitty girl what are you doing
To me

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