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I slowly open the big door and yeah they looking at me like im a villian, which is im not that surprised,

I just shrug like i always do.

"Mmm... why are you all staring at me?.."I mutter while glaring at them.

They quickly turn around.

I walk slowly with my head down and sit at the back of the class quietly.

I text hawks for the missions i have no license about being a sidekick.

I have a more experience than them.

since im just a kid, I learn every thing that a pro hero do. I didn't even notice uncle walk in.

"Good morning class.." uncle zawa mutter.

Nothing importantly happen but at the end of the class is very exciting.

"COMING TO THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" Uncle might shouted outside the door.

They are so excited and so annoying even the bakugou kid.

I slowly look to him..

I didn't notice that I started admiring him for a second.

his features, his soft skin, his circle glittering eyes, crimson eyes like roses.

He caught me staring but i quickly pretend that im listening to uncle might.

But i already know what are we doing today and its all about fighting.


i just roll my eyes and quickly get my suit case that is number 18.

I walk in to the dressing room and quickly change my costume that I am quite excited.

"Hii!" the racoon ask me.

I look behind me and see her waving at me.

I roll my eyes while smiling slightly.

"What you want from me..." I said in a annoy tone causes them to shiver.

She just smiled widely not bother at my personality

"Your costume is badass!" she gasp loudly enough for them to hear, while checking out my outfit.

I widen my eyes and look away with a light blush in my face.

"EHem.." i Just cough pretending that I didn't hear her.

They all just smile and complimenting me cause my costume hugs my curves.

They all just smile and complimenting me cause my costume hugs my curves

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(Just think what ever what you want, just don't bash this.)

Black lether jacket with straps infront of my chest, black gloves that protect my hands to punch people in the face, long black bet that hug my waist and hips, black shorts, and long black boots that cover my knee, and some black choker for designs.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now