48 Pro Hero adult

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After i came back from japan because i visit them, you know for safetyness.
Me and the squad is now doing some missions and patrols.

"Fuck, the villain is weak" shrindo said while handcuffing the villain without hesitation. I sigh and roll my eyes while aiko said.

"Im pretty bored, do you have any idea you know shopping!" Aiko said while stars dancing in her eyes. The whole squad including me all gulp and back off.

"Nah thanks" brandon said while scratching at the back of his neck. Cherry tult her head and said excitedly.

"We have a ball tomorrow. You know for the heroes. So we need to buy some dresses and suits for the boys!" Cherry said excitedly while drool coming from her mouth thinking of how to dress up.

I scrunched my face in disgust while i clear my throat. They all look at me and yell.


I pinched the bridge of my nose while continuing."i told y'all that call me Y/N for dumb sakes" i said with a scowl at the end of my sentence.

They just smile all to me while james ruffle my hair while i just whined and he continued.
"Your the youngest here in the group. But we will continue to shopping for the ball" he said while smiling smugly.



"So Y/N! which dress do you like?" Cherry said while showing me the two fancy dress. The one is black smooth and long dress like this.

 The one is black smooth and long dress like this

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And the other one is crimson formal dress.

And the other one is crimson formal dress

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I just gonna pick the crimson one" you said slowly while thinking. The thoughts of katsuki's crimson eyes remind you in this dress. It reminds you that he likes color red so you decide to choose it.

"You have a nice choice!" The two boys yell while the citizens just taking a pic of your group, you can't help to sigh and not having a peaceful with your friends.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now