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"Were here" uncle zawa said. The whole class cheered happily while im doing it too. Katsuki wake me up earlier so i get ready early.

"Get your things and hop off to the bus" uncle zawa said while hopping off the bus. We all tiredly get our things and hop off.

"Heyaa Eraser!" I hear someone shout my uncle's name in the distance. The whole class got curious but i know who is or who is them.

"A cat??" The whole class yell to their thoughts while looking at each other.
I smirk widely while my boyfriend just looking at me in weird expression.

"Heya Mandalay!!" I yell and ran towards her. The whole class look at me with confusion but gets shock because i know every hero in every country you know because family.

Me and Mandalay hug each other while the rest pf the pussy cats is here.

"Where is the camp?" Sato ask looking at them. I shrug and widen my eyes even more. Which causes them to look at me weird.

"Hmm, it's 9 am right now." Mandalay said while smirking. Kirishima widen his eyes and yell. "We need to go to the bus!!".

I nodded and hold katsuki's hand then started to run towards the bus while the others following me. Pixie-bob smirk and continued.

"If you go in the camp in exact of 12 pm, you can have a early food." She said while smirking. We ran fater to the bus while i glare at uncle zawa who grinned widely at us.

"Sorry class but this is the start of the camp, good luck!" He yell excitedly while we all ran at the bus with a panic expression.

"NOW!" We hear something shout and causes the floor to crack and fall but luckily i caught katsuki to me and make an ice field under our feet.

The pussy cats just laugh while the whole class groan in pain. While katsuki and me just bump at our knuckles and peck each other's lips.

"No fair!" The others yell to us because their clothing is now dirty because of the mud sticking to them.

"Need pee!" Mineta yell while trying to find a close bathroom. Pixie-bob look towards us and yell.

"Feel free to use your quirks because this is our own land so don't worry about the mess!" She said. I smirk to kastuki which he return it to me.

I crack my knuckles and fund some monsters in this fucking forest.


"Fuck you pussy cats!!" I yell to them while struggling to walk while panting with katsuki. It took 5 hours to go here in this fucking camp.

"Oh! I said if you fight faster you can eat your food early" pixie-bob yell and looking at us like a wild animal.

The whole class 1-A is cover in sweat,bruise and even mud. My nose is bleeding while my head ache is now worsing and struggling to move because of the overuse pf my quirk.

While katsuki is holding his wrist while giving me a piggy back ride at his back while im just fucking guilty here.

"Baby, put me down, your tured already, i can do this" i said sweetly to him while he nodded quickly but hissing in pain when he put me down because of his wrist.

I cup his cheeks to look at me and said. "Thank you baby" i said while pecking his forehead, nose then to his lips. I give him for his prize carrying me even though his arms is tired.

"Like the 5 of you with my little gem!"
Pixie-bob yell and continued.
"I call DiBs!" She yell and pointed to todoroki, midoriya, Katsuki, midoriya and me.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now