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when the teachers announce that she is dead, were all cry, sad or even anger. But right now we all now in the classroom sitting silently.

The class atmosphere is silent. The news that were receive is causes by their quietness and even tiredness. Many of them has a black dark eyebags, red and puffy eyes, red nose while staring at nothing.

Even four eyes is staring at the window. No one talk, no one laugh, no one smile because the 21 class, turn into 20 and that didn't like them.

"Good morning class" sensei come and sitting bluntly while staring at us. We all say back in a whisper and sad tone while i just glaring at nothing.

When the bell rings, we all eat the lunch but in a quiet and not talking too. My personality came back, but being agrresive, shouting everytime and even cursing.

"Sit down class, we have a new student." Sensei said. When we hear that to them, we all shout and rambling.




The class 1-A is now in the bad mood but otherwise they trying to smile to cover the pain because their kind, strong, beautiful and hothead friend or my girlfriend is now gone.

I look at the window not wanting to look at the new student. After Y/N's death they replace her quickly and we don't even know uf she's alive or not.

"Hello guys! My name is Elena Garcia! You can call me Elena!" The woman said. I turn to look at it and become disgusted.

She has a brown long hair with a curly on the bottom of her hair, green eyes, some freckles. She turn to look at me and bit her lip before licking it.

I quickly look away disgusted. She likes me. I don't fucking want that girl because i just want is my girlfriend, My princess, my Y/N.

"Go sit at the back of bakugou, bakugou raise your hand" aizawa sensei said. I roll my eyes and raise my hands while the girl enlighten her eyes which it's disgusted me.

She jogged to her sit and smile widley which causes me to be disgusted again.

"Dismiss" sensei said while the class jogged to her and ask her a lot of question.

"Yes! I am the daughter of sanny day garcia, the number 20 hero!" She exclaimed excitedly. The class gasp and ask her a lot of question.

She come to me and ignore them while trying to flirt with me.
"Heya bakugou!" She said while showing her breast infront of my face which i didn't look because it's disgusting.

"Leave me the fuck alone slut! I said. She just smile at me and ignore my insult which causes me to get anger. She continued. "What's your first name" she said excitedly.

"If i fucking said it , you will fucking leave me alone!" I yell and she just nodded. I sigh and said. "Katsuki"

"Okay bye katsuki!" She said while running off and go to the nerd squad. Compare to Y/N, she isn't like that. Elena on the 1st day of her school she's so pathetic.

"She's pretty!" Mina exclaimed while i just sat there eating my lunch. While the the two idiots gave us an thumbs up.

"She's manly!" Kirishima announce while showing his teeth. I groaned in annoyance while continued.

"She's flirting with me! She didn't even know that i have a girlfriend!" I said while rolling my eyes. The bakusquad get quiet while they all nodded and proceeding to eat not talking anymore.

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