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Months by months. While im here in USA alone. Many kids here has so many friends, while me sitting here alone and alone only.

I miss the bakusquad, dekusquad and of course my boyfriend. I want to go back to japan but I don't have many choice. Here I struggle so much that u feel im gonna die but i try harder and harder everyday.

Everyday i will go to the cafe shop to become waitress and serve them but the amount of they paying is low which is not enough.

My dad here is paying my apartment because he said that he cares about me like bullshit. I care about my expenses to my food and even for the others in my apartment..

The heroes helping me to become a real hero and im gladly to become thankful to them.

Saturday and sunday, im gonna go to the restaurant to wash the dishes for money. Monday to friday is being a waitress.

Everytime when i go home my limbs and body is weak like im in the training but this because of the part time job that i attend.

There some group that always keep stalking me that want become my friend but I didn't accept because i need to raise a money.

One day, my manager told me to serve the table 4 which I nodded and get my checklist. I sigh loudly and stomp over to the group which im talking about earlier.

"what the fuck do you all want!" I said loudly to them. They all sheepingly smile like i see them being bakusquad. I blink and sigh before waiting for them to speak.

"We want you to become our friends this 2nd year of being a heroes!" The boy ask. I roll my eyes and nodded to stop them annoying me.

They all nodded and cheered happily while they all stood and introduce.
"Hii! Im aiko!" The bubbly girl said.

"Im shrindo" the low voice and had an eyebags boy said. I cross my arms signalling them to continue.

"Im James!" The boy said which he has a shark tooth too. And continued.
" we need another girl for our team to make group!" They all yell except to the eyebags boy. Shinso?

"What?" I said in confusion. He chuckled and out his arms around me which im uncomfortable.

"Because your gonna be leader of this squad, we call baby squad" aiko announce happily while the customers keep looking at us.

"NO WAY!" I yell loudly and stomping back to where i will serve next. But they all stop me and give their big puppy dog eyes.

I sigh in annoyance while i nodded. I stomp away from them while im hearing them cheered while i just smirk.

"Me leader of the squad, not bad" i say to my thoughts while smirking.

Meanwhile to the japan:

"Suki! Suki! Elena said to him while running and holding his arms. Bakugou sigh and push her away putting his hands on his pockets while scoffing loudly before saying.

"Shut the fuck up, your annoying!" The blonde said. Elena pout like Y/N which the blonde stare at her for awhile.

Elena smirk to her thoughts, and lean to kiss him. But bakugou gruff and started to walk trying to forget her girlfriend on his mind.

7 months after her fake death but he just can't move on that quickly. Elena trying to become her girlfriend which he didn't like it. He love her girlfriend but this is his fault thats why she died.

The bakusquad always shipping the two while elena just blushing but for bakugou didn't care because she got Y/N. He didn't even know how much her girlfriend love her and doing anything to become her number 1.

The two hearts didn't know what to do. Even though the one heart saying that she's not here, she will be alive in his heart. But for her, saying that he move on quickly, but his heart is always gonna belong to the girl.

That's why the destiny will do anything for them to make an happy ending until the end. Two lives, two people will gonna see in the future.

Is there some love triangle? Is there some one sided love? Or the two is just a destiny for each other, we didn't know? But this time,

This is gonna be a new chapter
For their lives.

Next chapter just wait
The next chapter is they are all pro heroes already they are adult okay

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