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It's dark.

Too dark.

I can't fucking see.

What is this a fucking door?!

I walk to the bright light door which causes me to put my hands in my eyes to avoid the intense light coming from it.

"Wtf-" i said but stop in the middle of the sentence when i notice some kind of hologram that repeating my life on it.

"Flashback??" I said and remember that i was going to die to the damn torture, i couldn't help but look at the scene while some tears escaping from my eyes.

"I-I'm d-dead?" I whisper to myself while watching the scene of myself.

A little girl is eating an ice cream with a woman of h/c and a beautiful e/c while smiling at her little daughter.

"Do you like it?" The woman ask to her child. While the child nodded happily and hug her mother.

"Of course mom! It's super delicious!" The child exclaimed while grinning at her mother. The mother jist smiled back before.

Some shouting of the people heard to the store. The woman and the child stop what are they eating.

The child look at her mother noticing her quietness and seriousness in her face. So the child ask her mom while holding the bottom of her skirt.

"M-mom? Why are they shouting and running away from that building?" The innocent child look at her mother. The mother smile and bend over to talk to her daughter.

"The building is on trouble sweetie, stay here and don't move because im gonna save them because if the citizens needs help, the heroes must take the actions understood" the woman struggling to smile because she knows that this is bad. Really bad.

"Of course mommy!" The innocent child said excitedly while she continued. "Because your the hero cyclone! Who will save the day!" She said while jumping up and down.

The woman grin to her and nodded before she ran towards the building.
The child just sat there while eating her ice cream, not knowing what to do.

After many minutes she got bored so she stood up and walk outside. She could see her mom helping the citizens which why she admired her mother for being kind and gentle when it comes to rescuing.

She notice that the building started to fall which it's widen her eyes. Her dad comes to the scene running at full speed to his wife.

The woman push the elder away from her to keep her from being injured. Her husband ran at full speed to her bit it wasn't enough.

The little girl look at her mother that far away from her. The woman look towards her daughter with a happy expression while tears keep falling from her eyes.

The woman shout so much that the citizens hear what she says.
"I LOVE YOU HONEY KEEP Y/N SAFE. IM GONNA MISS YOU TWO!" She loudly said before the whole building collapsed to her body,while the woman standing there with a gracefull and teary eyes before she close her eyes and accept her fate.

"M/N!!" The father yell so loudly while his eyes is si teary and fall silently while he sob. The little girl stood there not knowing what to do.

The scene broke her heart to see her mother died in her own eyes. Many heroes and many ambulance arrive. The heroes is cooperating each other to pull her body away the broken walls.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now