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When kirishima leave. Katsuki look at me with a puppy dog eyes. I look at him with confusion on my face.

"Give me my cuddles and kisses" he whined and open his arms wide for me to cuddle him. I chuckled at his childish behavior.

"Alright,alright" i said while getting up from the floor and going to katsuki to hug him. I hug him tighter like a huge teddy bear which he just laugh.

His smile is genuine. Im lucky i always get to see him smile because of him.
I blush at his reaction and hide my blushing face to his neck.

He just chuckled more and out his forehead to mine. We look at each other in the eyes. Before he lean to me and kiss me.

I kiss him back and hold each others body. We fall on the bed and stare at each other again before he look at me with loving eyes.

"I love you, Y/N" he said to me while pecking my lips and then blush. I chuckled at the sight and peck his lips.

"I love you too, Katsuki" i smile sweetly to him. He cuddle with me. His arms is around my waist, he out his head to my neck.

I wrap my hands around him and hug him back. He pull our body together and just there cuddling and kisses.


That brat I think his fucking masturbating again in his fucking room. Me and my husband are from grocery and took home to cook katsuki's fav food.

"WERE HOME BRAT!" I yell to the house while masaru fixing our groceries. My husband sigh and look at me.

"Mitsuki, i bet that katsuki is sleeping right now, don't bother him." He said nicely. I roll my eyes and go upstairs towards my brat's room.

I open the door and yell.
"OI BRAT WH-" before i can finish my brat jump surprisingly in the bed while the girl groan in annoyance.

I turn around to leave but remember there has a girl. A GIRL IN MY HOUSE.
I gasp loudly and remember katsuki's said that he has a girlfriend.

I look at them excitedly and open the lights. I look at the girl. I gasp even more because that girl save us. And her name is Y/N

OMAYGHAD his girlfriend is Y/N. What a lovely lady. I smil widely and call masaru.

I look at them and they were blushing a mess. This is gonna be fun.


Her mom get my hand amd run downstairs. I run while confusingly look at her. I hear from upstairs a loud stomping.

"GET BACK HERE OLD HAG!!" Katsuki yell while chasing her. Old hag? Ahh his mom. Im excited im gonna talk to his mom.

"So Y/N are you his girlfriend!!" She excitedly said to me. I rub the back of my neck amd shyly nodded looking away from them.

Katsuki sit beside me and groan while blushing a mess too. He grab my hand and peck it infront of his parents while looking away.

mitsuki yell and clapped her hands together. I stood up to introduced myself.

My palms is sweating as fuck. Im not ready for this because i visit his home when his parents are not here so im not fully prepared. I'm gonna act that nothing happen.

"Hello Ms. Bakugou, im Y/N L/N, and im katsuki's girlfriend. Sorry for not telling you th-" before i could finish MS. Bakugou beat me.

"Oh no no honey, call me mitsuki, my husband is in the bathroom, his masaru. And honey it's okay i know that your nervous but keep it calm." She chuckled and glare at katsuki while she continued.

"Katsuki pay you to be his girlfriend or not. If it is, its okay don't preetend anymore." She smile evilly to Katsuki.

"SHUT UP OLD HAG ITS FUCKING NOT!!" katsuki yell to his mother while rolling his eyes. I slap his arms and glare at him.

"Don't talk to your mother like that katsuki!" I said to him then cross my arms amd continued. "No kisses and cuddles for tonight if you glare, or calm your mother a old hag."

Katsuki's eyes widen and visibly gulp.
He look away muttering curses and said. "Sorry mom" he mumble which it makes me smile.

Mitsuki and masaru stood there shock. Did they son apologised tohis mother and call her mom and not old hag. Mitsuki and masaru thinking.

Mitsuki snapped at her thoughts and widen her smile even more.

"Shut up old-" i glare at him and he stop then continued. "S-shut u-up m-mom"while mumbling under his breathe and looking away cause i see the tips of his ears are getting crimson. Which is he is embarrassed

Masaru chuckled and look at me.
"Y/N gladly to meet you in person, im so happy that he find someone as kind as you."

I blushed at what he said while mitsuki chuckled. And continued.
"What's your quirk honey?"
I look at them with curiosity in my eyes and brighten my face. I love talking about my fucking quirk.

"Its called elemental" i said to them. While showing my quirks. They gasped and smile brightly. After that embarassing moments. We talk, laugh and even teasing katsuki.

"OI OLD HAG KEEP THAT BABY PICTURES DON'T FUCKING SHOW TO HER!" katsuki yell while blushing because its embarrass.

"Katsuki look, you look cute on it!" I squeal like a child because katsuki is so so cute when he is just a child..
He has chubby cheeks, cute and i want to squeeze his cheeks even more.

After that moment im getting to leave because it's getting late right now.
Katsuki stood up and hold my hand before we leave

I stop him and said. "Katsuki i enjoy, being with your family. Thank you"
I said while giving him a biggest smile that he doesn't even see to me.

He gasp and blush harder.
"Ofcourse because I love you so much" he said to me while putting hid other hand to my waist and the other to my cheeks.

"I love you" i said softly while blushing slightly. He chuckled and bend low because im short. His taller than me.

"I love you too baby" he said to me and kiss me. I kiss him back and holding him close to my body. I hear some click of camera.

We pulled away and look at the noise.
It's his family. Mitsuki wiping her tears away while masaru smiling at us.

We froze not knowing what to do. His family see us how we interact each other and saying I love you and kissing.

We blushed harder like tomato while they laughing their asses to us and katsuki shouting profanities to them which i just chuckled at his family.

I love his family, it feels welcoming.
I feel what they being a family. A feel of love and support that i didn't feel when i was a child.

I look at the sky and smile brightly.
"Mom, im okay here, i love you so much, this is my real family and i love it so much" i mumble under my breath while gazing at the stars.

One tear flow in my eyes not because of sadness. It because its happiness that i didn't feel when i was a child even now. But i know how to feel it. That because of him. My love one katsuki. And i happy for that

Thank you baby.

And exam for tomorrow

Sorry its short chapter but I'm gonna maje tom 2 chapter byeee

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