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Second Point of View:





"MOMMA!!" Y/n quickly pant in desperation while holding her aching head.

"Shit another dream again.." You whisper while holding your head.

about her again..

Not until someone open the door aggressively.

"Brat, dress up and go to Japan!" You dad yell while holding your empty backpack.

You nod not looking to him.

Your dad slam the door shut not caring to you.

"What a freak!" Your thoughts said.

You started to pack your important clothes like sweaters, shorts, panties, bras and some t shirts.

You quickly hid the picture of your mom into your bag.

You smile while looking at a empty room.

You held your keys and your cards for money.

And your important bracelet that your mother gave you.


"Y/n, if I'm not on your side and you fee scared on something, just hold this bracelet and think that I'm hugging you.." your mother said while putting it on in your wrist.

"Why momma, you're always there for me so I don't need this anyways!" You laugh while hugging her.


you slowly hold your bracelet not noticing some tears that slowly falling down into your eyes.


A aggressive knock coming from the door.

you sigh, standing up.

"Y/n! Leave right now! And become a great hero!" your dad spat in disgust while pushing you out to his home.

you swat his arms away and put your bags into your back.

"And bring the legacy brat..." your father lastly said. You clenched your fist tightly.

"shut up." Your voice said in a venom tone.

Not expecting from you, your father slap your face that it rang across the room.

"Don't tell me to shut up brat! Im your father and I fed you with my own money, you should be thankful you're alive right now!" Your dad spat, that your maids and guess stop cleaning.

You slowly put your hand into your cheeks where your father slap you.

you chuckle and look at him directly in his eyes.

"You? A father? Pftt!" You chuckle darkly.

"I've never call you a father in my life, never, I didn't even know that you're my father in the first place?" You chuckle.

You look away to his shock expression..

"You-!" Before my father started to speak, you walk away, leaving him speechless.

You smirk darkly.

"Miss y/n..." your favorite guard told you while opening the door of the car.

"Sir Victor, im leaving.." you smile sadly.

Sir victor smile and hug your small body.

"Y/n, I've been with you since you're a baby, goodluck to Japan.." he stated while wiping the tears that falling from your eyes.

You smiled back and thinking what your future be like.

And that's how you started going to Japan.

Make sure to like this chapter and follow my acc for more updates, thank you!!

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