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That damn deku drag me here ans talking to me like a nerd he do.
My girlfriend there is fighting the number 1 hero and im here sitting beside this nerd.

"LET ME GO FUCKING NERD!" I yell to him and trying to break free from his grasp. He put me beside the abandoned building.

We sat down in silence and listening to Y/N's yelling like "DIE" or

"GODDAMIT MY GIRLFRIEND IS WAITING FOR ME THERE. SO LET ME FUCKING GO!!" i yell to him and stand up to face him fully.

He look at me with a pathetic look and said. "Kaachan, we need to work together for this exam, if not we will fail. AND DON'T SAY THAT YOU WILL LOSE BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO COOPERATE TO ME. YOUR GIRLFRIEND THERE IS SUFFERING BECAUSE OF YOUR STUBBORNNESS!"

I stood there wide eyes and dark scowl in my face. His right i need to keep up my cooperationess to succeed this exam. Not exam because Y/N is waiting for me there.

"I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING TEAM UP WITH YOU DEKU!!" I yell to him. I punch the side of head to scare him but no use.

"LISTEN KAACHAN, JUST THIS ONE MORE TIME! BECAUSE SHE NEEDS YOU KAACHAN. SHE NEEDS YOU!!!" Deku yell back to me while panting for shouting.

I break my ego and pride and listen to him. Not because I don't want, because my girlfriend is there fighting his number 1 hero.

"Let's fucking do this" i said and we talked on our plan to defeat allmight.


"DIEEE!" i yell while launching at him with a powerful 2 blast wuth a combine of water and fire like todoroki in festival.

It hits uncle but my blasts is not enough. He chuckled and hold my collar. "DO YOU THINK THAT WILL DEFEAT ME YOUNG Y/N, WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR TWO COMRADES? THEY LEAVE YOU. PATHETIC!" He yell and throw my in the floor with a full force.

"GAHH!" I yell loudly cause i feel my back will gonna break because of this exam. My body is now sore for fighting. All bloodied and bruises and i think broken bones.

"IM NOT GONNA LOSE!, I CAN DO THIS!!" i yell loudly that enough of the monitoring room to hear.


The whole class is stunned by giving all of your quirk to defeat him but always not enough. They see to you that you never give up easily but determine to defeat the fake villain and win the exam.

"She's very determined, i wish i could be like her!" Uraraka yell while cheering for your team. They alm nodded and giving you a lot of compliments.

The teachers that is watching is impressed by your determined attitude which they love their old niece.


"NOW YOUNG Y/N,YOU WILL DIE!" All might yell and hold the collar of your shirt tight and ready to punch you in the guts but nothing happen.

"YOU COMPLETELY FORGET US ALLMIGHT!" Someone said with a rasphy and low voice shout. I knew his voice and i grin for it.

He continued. "DEKU NOW!" He yell to his comrade and throw his grenade. Deku show on the top of us and mumble. "Sorry all might" Then blast his face.

I fall to the ground but quickly catched by my lovable boyfriend. He notice my appearance and stop in the middle of the road.

"Hey baby,we will win this okay. Im sorry for not coming to you quickly. But thank you for distracting him okay." Katsuki softly said to me in my ears while he run with deku in his side.

I chuckled slightly and grinned weakly which made him heart warmed. He knows to himself that your the beautiful woman in his eyes that no one will replace you ever. Even though your appearance is like this, he always fall inlove again and again to you.

"I think all might is knock out at my blast" he mumble to us. Katsuki's soft face turn into a scowl and continued.
"Shut up nerd,just keep running!"

We all ran and see the exit. Deku turn to us and said. "So our plan next is to ran towards the exit fast and-" he quickly not finish his sentence because of interruption.

"And what else young Midoriya?" Someone said to our back. I quickly activate my quirk but not fast as him.

He punch katsuki at the back which causes us to fly and knocked over to the floor. He punch midoriya in his face which causes him to fall.

I crawl towards katsuki and wake him up which he exactly did. Katsuki turn to look at me and kiss my forehead before standing up and attack him.

"How about Stun grenade!" He yell and blast allmight's face with a big explosion follow by another and another to distract him from us.

I stood up but my back bones crack sounds which causes me to cry in pain. I ran towards to midoriya trying to avoid the pain at my back.

"MIDORIYA" i said lowly and look at him. He look at me confuse but quickly replace by scared look. I grab his back collar and ready to activate my fire quirk.

"Im gonna throw you to the exit okay?" I said while panting. He try to say something but i didn't give him a chance because i throw him with all of my might.

He fly towards the exit but not good enough because i missed a little step.
I turn quickly to my boyfriend and stood there shock of what's happen.

"Sleep well young Bakugou" uncle said to him. Allmight's hand is at the back of my boyfriends head forcing him to face the floor. His other foot is at the back of his back to immobolize him. My boyfriend is there knocked out because of him.

"KATSUKI!!" I yell loudly and trying to not cry because this is exam. Every student will gonna hurt. I clenched my fist and turn towards midoriya.

All might crush his back to midoriya so midoriya stop to go to the exits which it knocked him out. I look towards the time. 1 min only.

I ran towards katsuki and bend to his level. I hold his head to my lap and caressing his ash blonde hair and whispering. "Im here baby, just sleep tight and im gonna win this. I love you so much"

I put him down and turn to my uncle with a dark glare. I activate my 3 quirks amd ran towards him.

i blast him in the face wth all of my might while saying.
"THIS" i blast him. "IS" blast him again. "FOR" blast him again "MY" blast him again. "BOYFRIEND!!" I yell and throw him the biggest blast with 3 quirks on which ut stumble to him and knocked it off to him.

I sigh and look at my hands with full of blood cause I overuse my quirks. I feel my headache gonna worse because of this.

I walk to the two and hold them in my arms. I slowly walk towards the exit with them in my hands. 3 steps and we win but i stumble and fall into my butt while aching in pain.

I try to breathe for the fresh air but no use. I breathe to concentrate and stood up while stumbling and hold weakly to them until.


i sigh in annoyance and stumble again then fall in my butt again. I lay in the floor while they trying to put me in recovery room.

i close my eyes and trying to sleep.
I think it's okay to sleep cause im so tired of this bullshit. I look at my boyfriend and grin while looking up again and close my eyes

And fall into a deep slumber

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