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We keep training and damn best jeanist didn't give my phone back. But luckily we took a break. I get my water bottle and drink it. Fuck I miss her already it's been 2 days since I didn't get my phone back.

I sigh in annoyance. Until best jeanist pacing back and forth with worried expression in his face. I tilt my head in confusion but decided to shrug it.

I stood up amd go over to him. "Oi give me back my phone?!?!" I said while growling with scowl in my face. He stare at me wide eyes but me still confuse as fuck.

He straighten his back and nodded while giving back my phone. I roll my eyes and sit in the corner and decided to text Y/N.

I open my phone and see our wallpaper. We just sat in the blossom trees while she sat in my lap with goofey grin in her face. While i softly blushed and smirk in the camera.

I smirked to our memories. And open my passwords. While smirking quickly shattered. I bombarded with so many messages.

"Hey bakubro, are you okay?"

"Hey bakugou, is she okay?"

"Kaachan, how is she?"

"Bro, how was she, is she okay"

"Bro just visit her"

I looked all of the messages from class 1-A. They talking to someone. And they fucking asked me if im okay. But im perfectly fine. What th- before i can finish my sentence half n half text me that it broke my heart even more.

"Is Y/N okay, she's super
Injured. Visit her"

I widen my eyes and my heart completely shattered. My throat aching and dry. My palms started to sweat even more. My body seems to shaking vigorously.

I started to clenched my hands in my phone. No way not Y/N, she's not injured, right? She's just in her internship and not injured. She's just in training. Many thoughts come in my mind.

I snapped in reality and quickly open her messages while thinking. She's safe. She can do her self. She just stubborn but strong i chuckled dryly not wanting to believe it.

But when i open her messages. It shocked me even more while my hands shaking even more. I see one voice recorder. I hesitate to touch the play button.

My eyes getting teary and silently flow in my eyes. I gulp and press it that it makes me cry even more.

"hey baby" she said while many screams in her background noise. My hands that grasped in my phone shaking again. Because she's like out of breathe and trying not to cry in the audio.

"H-hii baby, i fucking love you so much okay." Her voice is now shaking while telling me this. Her breathing is now shallow. I struggled to breathe because of what amount of pain in my heart hearing her voice is in pain.

Tears now streaming down to my eyes trying to not sob here in my agency. I try to control my breathing but no use.

"I miss you baby, im okay here don't panic okay. I think i can't go home in many hours or days okay." She is now crying in the otherside of the phone. I started to sob and put my other hand in my mouth to prevent it happening.

My hands and body trembling for crying loudly. Fuck i can't do anything. I just train here not knowing what happening to her.

She inhale long breathe and i can feel her weakly smile in the other side. She inhale but her breathing become ragged like losing her breath. With her last statement that it broke my heart to the million pieces.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now