45 Pro hero adult

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"Class 1-A! This is your class pictures when your in 1-3-A" eraser head announce while giving us the pictures.

I look at our picture when i am in 2nd to 3rd year. I look cute in the pic while i just gazing to hot cutie suki.

"Look guys! The whole class 1-A!" Mina announce while cheering happily. The whole class ran and looked excitedly to their class 1-A pic.

I roll my eyes and stand up angrily while shouting.
"Why the fuck are you excited in that old pic?!, this 2nd and third years is fucking fun when im here!!" I said with them while crossing my arms together.

The girls roll their eyes while ochako continued. "The Class 1-A is our best school year ever with Y/N" she said while smiling fakely to me.

Tsu continued. "And yeah she's right Ribbit" she said while smiling at her thoughts. I glare at them while they glare back at me.

I know that the whole UA is hate me because im always copying Y/N. Why? Because i want katsuki to love me, like he love her dead girlfriend.

I smile fakely and trying to observe some of her traits and likes to copy her. I stand up and sat down clueless said.

"How Y/N is friend to y'all?" I ask in an innocent tone which it make the B,C and A mad at me while i just smirk slightly and wink at suki, which he just shrug and look away.

"Y/N is hot head but she is always protecting us from bullies" kirishima said while showing his shark teeth.
While denki continued.


The bakusquad is walking to their dorms because of an intense training, they all so tired and want to go to bed then sleep.

Mina is babbling while she just accidentally shove a girls. Mina stood up and bow.
"Im so sorry!" She exclaimed while being friendly to them.

The leader of the girls go to infront while pushing her off to her.
"Look in your way racoon eyes!" The bully girl yell to her while licking her lips gazing at our boybestfriends.

"Im very sorry!" Mina exclamied again while the tears started to form into her eyes because many people is now watching them.

The bully girl push her again and said.
"Kiss my toes, racoon eyes!" She exclaimed while laughing loudly wuth her group.

"Hey girls, she said sorry already leave her alone?" Kirishima ask nicely. Y/N is behind them standing at their backs, glaring at the girls trying not to kill them..

"Hey hottie, wanna come to my house?" The other girl said while touching his arms. Mina stand up and shove kirishima away.

"Hey! This is my boyfrien. Leave him alone sluts!" She loudly yelled. The girls stop laughing and raise her hand ready to slap her but quickly stop when someone hold her hands.

"Hey, leave mina to me, she said sorry already" Y/N said trying to calm her self while raising her hands and signalling the boys to go inside the dorms which they gladly did.

Jirou, mina and Y/N is the only one glaring at the girls. The boys just stopped at the front of the door to watch them fight.

"Hey Blondie, your hot" the leader said while biting her lips. Y/N's eyes is filled with ranger and trying not to strangle the girl.

"Leave us alone." Y/N said in a low and dangerous tone. The boys all gulp and sweating nervously on what is going to happen.

"Who the fuck are you!!" The leader said while grabbing your collar and lean to close you face with her.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now