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Second Point of View:


Knives, swords, and even sharp blades...

Im afraid to touch those things.

Im afraid that I will kill someone.

Those things are the one that killed my mom.

When I was a child, my dad will put me under his training.

"A training to be a hero.."

"Y/n, you needed to be strong! Enough for you to beat all might!" My dad always telling me.

I just nod and continued to do this for months and years.

My mom always smiled and care for me.

She's there when I needed her the most, she's there when my birthday will come.

She will buy me a normal toys that every kid receives.

I've look up to her to the point that I'm starting to train harder to protect her from villains.

My Dad is a number 1 hero of USA and my mom is the number 2 hero too.

Dad always care for his own reputation. Our family reputation.

He didn't even care what am I doing. Or my health is..

But this day, all change..

And I didn't even like it, not one a bit.


"Darling!" My mother called me while she prepare to leave with her costume on.

I smile widely not caring for my toys and quickly run downstairs.

"Yes momma?" I reply while hugging her legs.

I'm just a 4 years old that day, and I still remember every decorations, every minutes of what happen.

Dad look away and continued to go to his car.

Not caring for me, not giving me a kiss or a hug.

I smile sadly and look down.

My mother smile again to ignore her bad mood husband.

"Y/n, sweetie, me and your dad are going to kick some villains out there, okay?"  My mother tell me in a soft tone.

I widen my eyes and hug her legs tighter.

"Why momma, it's my birthday..." I whisper not letting some tears to fall.

I buried my face into her body deeper.

My mother chuckle

"Darling, I know it's your birthday, after my work, I'm gonna buy your favorite food..." my mother sweetly said.

The little girl chuckle and let go of her mother.

"A ice cream!!" A little girl shout while jumping up and down in excitement.

"M/n!!! We have a mission to do! Leave that brat!" My father yell from the car causes me to tremble in fear.

My mother just smile at me and peck my forehead.

"I'll be right back darling, wait for me." My mother whisper to me while we both chuckle.

I watched my mother walk away to me.

I watched her wave at me.

I didn't even know that, it was my last time seeing my mother.

Seeing my mother alive

"Miss y/n...." My maid ask me.

"Yes aunty..." I answered quickly while looking and playing at my toys.

"Your mother.." the maid tried to say, not listening to her, you look away.

"I'm gonna watched tv and wait for momma..." you said without hesitation, not noticing her falling face.

Without noticing, you switched the channel into news.

A news of your mother.

I feel my heart shattered at the sight..

My mother is lying in a pool of blood, a blood coming from her mouth and nose, and a decay hand.

I feel tears started to prickle in my eyes..

I didn't even notice that my maids are trying to turn off the tv.

I didn't even notice that they are talking.

And I didn't even notice that I'm hyperventilating.

My ears started to ring, while I sob continuously.

But one thing I know...

she's gone forever....


I'm just a young kid who needed to be happy and I didn't know this will gonna change my life.

I know what is my purpose of my life.

Is to get revenge to your mother. I'm not gonna let the villains rest after they killed her, because I know that they will rot in jail.

I will find them.

I will find them even if I'm by myself.

I don't need anybody, I just need myself to gather a courage and be myself again if I wanted too.

But right now, I don't care to other people, I just need to get justice.

Make sure to like and follow May acc for more updates, this book is under construction."

thanks you!!

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