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i open my eyes and look at the ceiling. Fuck im in different room?!
I groan in pain and trying to move my body slowly. When i move quickly in my feet part i quickly hiss in pain.

"FUCK!" I yell and turn my hands into fist because it hurts. I pant and trying to move again but just hiss in pain.

The tears in my eyes silently falls because of the pain. It's too much to me to handle it.

Nurses come over to me to check my aching feet. I just nod and breathing heavily while they treat me and give me pills to avoid the pain in my feet.


I just sat there and staring at nothing when someone walk in my room and slam the door which causes me to stiff and put in my defence stance.

When i look at it. There is my two uncles. Uncle zawa and uncle nezu..
Why the fuck are they here?? They didn't come here to talk about me but ehat about else? And what about katsuki!!.

"Oil! Where is Katsuki! I want to fucking see my boyfriend. Ever since i woke up i didn't even see any of my classmates or friends. So where are they??" I said while looking everywhere in my room.

They sigh which causes me to look at them with confusion. And continued.
"What! I need to see my suki!" I yell to them and looking at them.

"I-" nezu said and look at his feet signalling to uncle zawa that he just continue.
"We will said that your death" he said in a stern tone. I stop what i am doing and feel my heart drop and look at them trying not to cry.

"W-what you s-say??" I ask shakingly and feel my heart shattered and thinking that i will not see katsuki.

"I said, we will gonna say that your dead" uncle zawa said. I sat there and thinking about the possibilities were happening to my life.

My life is quiet, happy and even sweet because of my boyfriend katsuki who is in my life and making me happy. If it weren't for him, i will not be here in this point. If weren't him, i will be not happy. And if weren't him, i will be dead that causes me to trauma.

I love that boy with all of my life that's why i sacrifice my life for him. He loved me like a normal girl i am. He doesn't care about my body, fame or looks. He care about me and accept me even thought my personality is like a trash.

I know that being him is makes me happy. Even though me and him in 1 year relationship is enough for me that i love him.

He expresses his feeling for me amd even laugh at some weird personality but he don't mind and he didn't judge me, that's why i will never leave him.


"Look Y/N, this is for your safety and the students in the UA." Uncle nezu said trying to calm me down.
So you two care about the other student and not me?

"SO WHAT I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" i announce while panting from yelling.
Aizawa whisper something in nezu's ear while he just nodded and leave the room silently.

Me and uncle zawa has a staring contest. while the time ticking loudly and the sounds of our breathing is heard.

"Look Y/N-" he doesn't even to talk because i interrupt him again.

"LOOK! MY BOYFRIEND IS WAITING FOR ME TO COME HOME! HE NEEDS ME! I NEED HIM TOO! SO I WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE HIM!!" i yell while tears silently falls in my eyes causes me to sniff and look away from him.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now