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                     NO ONE POV:

The two new couple walk to the stands. They didn't even know that they were holding hands till now.

"So Y/N are you re-" denki stop and stare wide eyes. Until mina spoke."Y/N let's go to st-" she stop as well and stare wide eyes.

Y/N look to them and tilt her head in confusion. "Hmm, are you fucking okay?" While glaring at them.

"OMAYGHAD ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER!!!" The two yell loudly. The whole class stopped their own conversation and look to the new couple.

They stare wide eyes and mouth agape. While bakugou and Y/N blush harder and look away to each other until.

"OMAGHADD" they all shout except to todoroki and tokoyami. They all bombard you two a many questions.

"Who confess first"

"You look cute together"

"Since when did you two get together"

"Wow opposite personality"

"Oh men, i can't even touch her boobies"

Bakugou glare at mineta and stomp towards him and hold his collar and said."DON'T YOU DARE SAY THINGS LIKE THAT TO MY GIRLFRIEND. OR ELSE IM GONNA KILL YOU!" and he throw to the other side of the stands.

Y/N blush harder and her heartbeat increasing like it will create a big explosion. While all of the girls screaming and squealing. While the boys congratuating their bro.

                      Y/N POV:

I blush harder while the girls asking me a question while the boys asking bakugou. But before i respond to them present mic interrupt it cause it will gonna be next round. I fucking forgot that it's sports festival and i need to focus not that damn hedgehog.

I sigh in relief while my boyfriend swing his arm around my neck and pull me closer towards me. "Hey you okay Y/N?" He ask softly.

"W-wait are you katsuki? What did you do to my katsuki huh?" While grinning widely. While he avert his eyes and shout."SHUT THE FUCK LETS GO AND WATCH THE DAMN FIGHT!" While blushing hardly.


While todoroki go to the arena and look at his feet. And he continued."AND TO THE HERO COARSE TOO A FLEXIBLE MAN, HANTA SERO!"

While their fighting my boyfriend hold my hand firmly while caressing his thumb in my hand and it fucking sweet.

************skip to bakugou's fight********************************

"Hey im fucking next." He stoop and put his hands inside his pocket and smile sweetly to me. I quickly hug him and say."Good luck katsuki, im here to support you" i smiled sweetly to him.

I lean to him and whisper to his ear and said."i love you katsuki" i stood back and look at his eyes innocently. But instead to look at me. He just stood there mouth agape and blushing hardly.

He nodded and mumble" i love you too" while walking away. But i swear i see him smile a little bit and im Happy for it. Even though we are together earlier. I can't help to say things like that to him. I didn't even realise that from the start im falling inlove with him. I know it's too fast but I can't help it.


Katsuki's match ended. And I'm happy that he give his all to his opponent uraraka. I disagree to the audience when they booing my boyfriend. I can't help to become full my anger. He just treated uraraka as his equal not toying her idiots.

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