49 Pro Hero adult

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"Hey lead! You okay? You've been quiet seen you came back from japan?" Aiko said while hugging me. I swallow thickly and nod seriously.

"Of course. Now take care of yourself when y'all in the japan, is that clear!" I said in a serious tone. They all smile and hug me quickly.

I feel my lips quiver and not looking at them. They all notice this while cherry put het arms around me.

"I know this is our first time to us to travel without you or going to a mission without you, but we will come back safely for our Leader!" She yell while smiling ear to ear.

I nodded while tears flowing to my eyes. Not because they will leave without me, because i will gonna miss them. They are my only family whose with me this whole time.

"AWWW!" They all yell and continued.
"GROUP HUGG!" They all yell while running to me and hug me tightet while i hug them back.

They all one by one go to the jet and smiling towards there leader. But before the doors close, i shout.

"OI BRATS!" i yell while crossing my arms and looking at them. They all turn to look at me signalling me to continue.

"IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF Y'ALL!" I yell while the door close shut and preparing to fly.

Mean while to the squad. When the door shut, the tears that is now in the eyes are now falling. They didn't want you to see them, that they are crying. They want you to see them being a strong. They will gonna miss you and when you said that words, they couldn't help to shred some tears.

"Because the one who take care of them, is now very proud of them."

Mean while to you. You just go back to your serious face and walk without a care in the world. Your body guards and workers of your agency is now sweating because of your new attitude.

They love the funny and smiling Y/N. but right now, you just wore an expressionless face and narrow eyes when you talk to them.

"W-witch Goddess, t-there has an a r-robbery in this ********** street" the one worker said. You just nodded and walk out to the building without saying anything.


"HA HA! WITCH GODDESS! WHY ARE YOU NOT SAYING ANYTHING HUH!" the robbery man said while laughing sarcastically. You glare at him and ignore his statement.

You just kick his face and he got knocked out that easily. Fucking easy
You said in your thought while smirking at the mask you wore.

"WITCH GODDESS!!" The fans who supported you always yelling your name. You look at them and show your mouth to them. They all look at it with confuse, you just smile widely and put the mask on again while droving home.

"OMAYGHADD!!" your fans announce while one by one they all fainted, which you just chuckled while driving away with your Mercedes car.

You just repeat your actions in a day while you just getting worry with your group. you couldn't stop thinking about yesterday, which you just shrug and continue your day.


"Heroes, be ready! The Baby squad will be here in any minute!" Endeavor yell while crossing his arms to his chest while his perfume is lingering to the room.

The girls is now making up each other, while the boys just looking at the mirrors if they are good or fucking what. And yes, im one of them.

"Geez! The baby squad is here any minute!" Mina yell with the girls, which i just frown at them because they all looking like a clown. While elena so so fucking look like a clown.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now