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After the situation earlier cause of damn declaring. I sat on the bench to release my nervousness and stress.

Im still focusing how to beat them especially the icy-hot one and bakugou. Those two are incredibly strong so i need to make a plan.

While im thinking, i hear some footsteps and i didn't bother to look at it cause i know its a the bakusquad and asking me to my outburst earlier.

"Hey pipsqueak!" bakugou call to me while sitting beside me while the other 4 sitting on the grass infront of me.

I look to them and scoff.

Bakugou continue." What is your outburst earlier, you look hot..." he mumble the last part and look away.

the whole squad staring at him wide eye and mouth agape including me. We hear him loud and clear cause his voice is loud and raspy.

But kirishima continue the awkward silence.

"You okay we all worried to you after that outburst.." he weakly smile to me while the rest of them nodded. This red head boy is going to be broccoli boy cause of his cinnamon roll.

I smiled to them and nodded to reassured them that im okay. We all talking and laughing except to bakugou who is focus in this festival cause he wants to become number 1 hero. He just huff angrily and nodded to the useless conversation.

The class president four-eyes loudly said. We all hurry to our positions to wait the announcement.

"ARE YOU READYY!" present mic loudly said to his mic while the audience cheered loudly. He continued."THE SPORT FESTIVAL WILL BEGIN. COMING RIGHT NOW TO THE TUNNEL THAT THE CLASS SURVIVES THE REAL VILLAINS ANNOUNCING CLASS 1-A!"

My class walking outside the tunnel. We all cover our eyes because it's blind by lights and cameras and its live that it shown to the whole japan. Cause UA is a popular school.

"So m-many pe-people..." the broccoli stutter nervously while sweating and shaking like a leaf. They all nodded.

"Are you pumped for this festival bakugou?" tape dispenser ask him.  bakugou smirk and puffed his chest confidently.

"Ofcourse cause im gonna beat you all extras". He smirk and look away.

I just roll my eyes and present mic continue.


Many students arrived.

"OUR HOST FOR THIS GAME WILL BE MIDNIGHT THE R-18 HERO!" Uncle yell and point to aunty. they all cheered for midnight-sensei.

She wave to us and smile while me trying to not puke for her costume. Its fucking revealing while all the boys blush at the sight.

"Is it okay for her to change?" tokoyami ask us while we all nodded. The pervert grape and pikachu has nosebleed on their nose while giving us a thumbs up.

I quickly look at all of the boys and they all blushing. I look to bakugou but he didn't have a red tint on the cheeks but he listen carefully.

"Im thankful that she didn't even blush to what midnight-sensei wear" My thoughts said while smirking at my self.

"Oi why are you smirking pip-squeak?" Bakugou ask me in confuse , weirdly look at me and raising one eyebrow cause of confusion. I smiled widely.

"Nothing I'm just excited!" You said for excuse.

Me and you ( k.bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now