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Diavolo x fem. Reader SFW
Married to Diavolo, by the way

"Ho- ho- ho!" Diavolo said, but was uncertain on if he said it right or not.

"That's right." I assured him "Just your regular obnoxious laugh, but cut into words."

Diavolo and I stood there, at the door of the House of Lamentation, and Barbatos beside him.

"You think my laugh is obnoxious?" Diavolo asked, feeling a bit insecure.

Barbatos covered my mouth at once, before I could agree.

"Now now, my Lord, Y/n is just picking with you. She didn't mean it."

I turn, Barbatos bringing his hand back to his side, and following me with Diavolo.

"I did." I mumbled, and a harsh nudge was dealt into my back from Barbatos.

I smirk. Diavolo as Santa? If he took off that coat and shirt, I'd be his reindeer.
If you know what I mean.
Diavolo would look way better without that costume, he's doing it wrong, all wrong, for a man like him.

"Guys, Diavo-?"

Barbatos smacked the top of my head, and I growled at him.

"Correction, Lord Diavolo is here-!"

"And he's wearing a Santa costume." I finished dryly.

In Diavolo comes, smiling like a child with a piece of candy.

"Hello, everyone." He said, waving and everyone looked at him.

They weren't surprised at all, they knew to expect something like this from him.
This was their second time celebrating Christmas, at least.
Another knock on the door led me to go after it, everyone solemnly chatting when I left.

"Hi Simeon, Hello little Luke!" I said, absolutely adoring how small Luke was, but then again, I was the same height.

"Hi, Y/n." Simeon patted my head and leaned down to hug me.

Luke frowned when Simeon and I departed. "Don't call me little, you're short too."

"I am, but there is a difference."

"A difference? What kind of difference?"

I chuckled, and Simeon stepped aside for the approaching Solomon.

"Hi, Solomon!" I yelled, and he waved softly.

"Hey, small Y/n." He said, lifting me into his arms for a hug when he got closer.

I smiled, once being set on the ground again.
Simeon closed the door, and I was followed into the dining room.

"The rest of our company is here!" I announce.

"Is Diavolo wearing a Santa outfit?" Luke asked, and I nodded.

"He came like this, we can't change him."

"That sounded deeper than I intended." I whispered in Luke's ear.


"Well, what a nice costume you have," Simeon said to Diavolo. "But, we all know that Christmas is truly celebrated as the birth of-?" Solomon quickly covered the angel's mouth.

"Recieving presents and crying if you don't get what you want!" Solomon randomly stated.

"No, it isn't!" Luke said. "It's to celebrate-!"

"Drunk uncles and expired milk!" This time, my hand was slapped over Luke's mouth, and he had a nasty frown on his face.

"You shouldn't say a word." I whispered. "Lucifer and the others may still burst a blood vessel after all these years."

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