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Beelzebub x fem. Reader

Beel sits on the edge of my bed, with me in his lap facing him.
We're kissing ferociously.
Beel had his hands around my waist, and my hands are holding his head.
My left hand is in his hair, and my right over his ear.
We fall back onto the bed, Beel's hands sliding around my hips, and my hands blocking his exits.
As if Beel wanted to leave.
He let out a slight moan as we kissed, and our tongues battled for dominance.

"Nn-!" Beel stated to pull my shirt over my head, and I almost stopped him.

"What if the others come in?" I ask between kisses.

"So what?" He says, looking up at me.

Beel and I had been dating for two weeks now, and we couldn't stay off of each other.
Every chance we got, we were kissing and touching.

Beel and I started to take off each other's clothes, kissing even more fiercely.
I let Beel lay in my bed properly, before crawling over him again.
I unclip my bra, as I crawl over a naked Beel.
He takes off my panties as we kiss, and I started to tease Beel.
I sit over Beel's cock and start to rub my ass over it.
Beel was blushing, and his eyes were focused on mine as his mouth was inched open in a slight moan.

"Ah..." He moaned softly, letting his hands feel my body as I ran mine through his hair.

There was a knock at the door, and I cursed to myself.

"Don't come in!" I yell. " I'm changing!"

"Changing for what?" Lucifer asks, "Whatever you say Y/n, but I know you're lying. Beel's in there with you, now hurry up and open the door."

"Just a second." I say, cursing again.

I sit on the sofa in the common room with the others.

"Beel and I can't sit beside each other," Lucifer said. "We'd be touching and kissing."
So Beel sat in a chair across the room, and I sat across from him.
Mammon, Satan, and I were on the sofa.
Only four of us were in the room.

"I'm so bored." Mammon says, sighing.

"Maybe one day, you could read a book." Satan says.

"No way!" Mammon says. "Books are boring!"

Beel and I cast glances at each other, and Beel licks his lips.
I can see the lust in his eyes, and I smile.
As Mammon and Satan carry on their conversation, Beel and I eye- fuck the clothes off of each other.
I smile, licking my lips at him, and he bites his lip back.
Beel and I excuse ourselves for some food, but we weren't hungry.
For food, at least.

We hurry into my room, and I lock the door while Beel hugs me from behind.
I turn around and start to push him backwards onto my bed, taking my shirt off.
I let a wicked smile form on my lips, and I narrow my eyes at Beel.
I crawl over him in bed as his head rests on my pillows.
We start to kiss, taking each other's clothes off until we're naked.
I started to tease Beel again, and he has that same look on his face as before.
His eyes are hazed over, and he's blushing fiercely.
I lick my lips once more, before I kiss Beel again. He wraps his arms around my waist, and my hands are holding his head again.
Beel pushes me down over his cock, letting out slow and silent moans as his mouth is slightly ajar.
I kiss him, and tease him more as he breathes heavily.
I smirk down at him.

"Ah...stop teasing me." He mumbles, as his head falls back.

I can feel him getting bigger under me, and I can feel him getting restless.

"Mm....Y/n." Beel flips us, and he holds my wrists down above my head.

He sticks himself in, and I moan as he pushes in deep.
Beel looked at me, smirking.

He took my chin in his hand. "You're gonna be so full after this."

He pressed his lips against mine in a kiss, and as he started to thrust, I struggled to kiss him back.
I started to squirm and twitch under Beel, and Beel tightened his grip around my wrists.
His head was tilted back, and he was letting out little moans with his deep voice.
I couldn't help but get more excited as I heard him moan.
He started to thrust harder, and I squirmed to get out of his grasp.

"Beel...." I moaned. "Let go...."

He shook his head vigorously, denying my request, and letting out another moan as his mouth inched open.
I let out another moan, and started to get frustrated.
He may be strong, but he's not about to pin me down.
How about I pin him down?

"Beel...." I moaned. "My wrists..."

"Wait, Y/n...."

"I can't...." I started to get hot inside, as he refused to let go yet again.
"Ah...." I moaned. "Beel...."

His other hand started to massage my breasts, and I clenched my fists.
I let out another moan.

"Beel..... Mm....."


He let go of my wrists, falling back onto the bed. He knew I wanted to take the lead.
So he let me, as I picked up the pace and made him moan more often.

"I like it when you do that..." I say. "Beel..."

I had gotten closer and closer to my orgasm, and I leaned down to give Beel soft kisses.
Beel held me to him tightly, and ran his hands through my hair.
He tilted his head back a bit, and let out a soft moan as I thrusted harder.

"Y/n..." Beel moaned. "You're..... gonna make me..... I'm.....!"

Beel let out a rough moan, as he slammed my hips down on his repeatedly.
I let out louder moans as I started to ache with pain and pleasure, and Beel moaned repeatedly to our rhythm.

"Beel!" I chant, and I can feel Beel throbbing inside of me.

I kissed him as we clung to each other, and cursed as we hit our climax.
Beel let out another rough moan as he slammed me down on him again, tilting his head back and licking his lips.
We panted heavily as we held each other, and we started to kiss.
We couldn't ever keep our hands off of each other.

"Beel, I love you." I said between kisses.

"I love you." He said back, and we started to kiss more roughly.

"You love me?" I asked.



Beel chuckles as I give him a hickey.
"Did I excite you?"

"Yes, baby." I moaned a little at the end, and Beel rolled us over to be on top.

"Why are we always so rough?" He asked.

"I don't know." I say. "I like it, though."

"Me too."

Beel gave me a hickey next, and we started to tease each other again for the fun of it.

Asmo chuckles as he sits next to me at dinner. Beel was on the other side of me, eating quietly.

"Man, you guys were rough!" Asmo exclaimed, poking my cheek as I blushed.

I looked down and away, as Asmo went on.

"You guys were rough with each other! I can tell, afterwards you two weren't done!"

"Asmo, please!" Lucifer exclaimed. "Not at the table!"

"Aww, man....." Asmo whined. "Even so, I don't expect Beel to fail you. He looks like he has a long-"

"Asmo....." Lucifer growls.

Belphie smirks, and everyone else starts to crack a smile and snicker.
Lucifer sighs.

"One more thing." Asmo says, getting close to me.

"I like your moans."

Lucifer started to yell at Asmo while everyone began to laugh.
Beel and I stayed up late that night, so nobody would hear.

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