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Belphegor x fem. Reader

Belphie was nestled in the planetarium, asleep with a blanket over him.
Sometimes it got cold, and Belphie had to wake up and move somewhere else due to the cold air.
It was much better to move to Y/n's room, it was always warm there.
She loved the cold, she said. She hated it when it got too cold.
This was one of those times when Belphie got cold until he couldn't stand it.

He woke up irritated, and left to Y/n's room.
He bet I was asleep, or studying, or out somewhere with someone.
Simeon and I had gotten closer lately-
But, I was pretty, and that rubbed Belphie the wrong way. He can't have Simeon running off with me back to the heavens, he might lose his temper again.
He couldn't bare to see that beautiful face dissapear.
He knocked my door, and I opened it.

"Hey, Belphie." I greeted him, and he hugged me.

"Hey, Mommy."


He softly nodded, and pushed me back to close the door.

"Can we cuddle?" He asked.

"Sure, but I was studying."

I sat back down at my desk chair, and Belphie straddled me with his legs over the armrests.
He snuggles into my breasts, smiling softly as he hums with happiness.
I softly pat his head before turning back to my laptop, grazing my finger over the mouse to wake it from its sleep.
I turned the screen brightness down once again, and started to type away at my notes.
Belphie's tongue swept across my left breast.
He was not yet asleep.

"Belphie, if you keep doing that, you'll suffer from my wrath."

"You can't be as bad as Satan." He licked me again, his hand slipping under my shirt to fondle me.

I bit my lip, hesitating before starting to type again.
Belphie's mouth went over my nipple, and I held back a moan so he'd only hear a small puff of breath and a shudder.
Though, this seemed to please him.
He knew. He'd stolen my journal and read it.
That means he knew all of my weak spots.
He softly grinded against my tummy, and I kept softly typing, this time a bit slower.
He placed his mouth right next to my ear, and whispered my name seductively. Then, he moaned.
I instantly shut down my computer and stood from my chair, Belphie's body falling from mine and his feet hit the floor.
I pushed him harshly down onto my bed, and he looked confused for a minute.

"What? Are you mad a-! Ah!" His body reacted, back arching as he moaned in pleasure from my foot stepping on his cock.

"Not so hard!" He cried, and I smirked.
"I told you to stop, didn't I? So don't get upset with me if I don't."

He moaned again. "You sick sadist."

"That's me."

I removed my foot and hurriedly unzipped his pants. I then pulled down his boxers and threw them to the floor along with the pants.

"Take off your shirt." I demanded, and he didn't hesitate to strip from the rest of his clothing.

I had quickly taken off my clothes, and now I took his cock in my mouth, naked and on my knees, watching him squirm as I pushed his body down, and sucked him off.
My mouth went down to his base, and I heard him stifle a moan to keep quiet.

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